Barbell Spin predicts Mal O’Brien to go Hyrox

@garyholden Hunter's form in the Murph video he put up was sloppy af. He would have been no repped all day long.

He claimed not too long ago that he was training to break the Murph record and would have a legit CF Games judge do the judging. But he's gone silent on this. Did he make an attempt and fail?
@kevibbemore It’s on the YouTubes. Chin was marginally over the bar on a few reps, but the camera angle made it look worse. He had a guy judging him at bar level so I’ll take it that he saw him getting his chin high enough. Push-ups were basically him banging his plate carrier off the floor. It didn’t look any different than when Murph was at the games. It’s a terrible standard to judge with a vest on.

The dude next to him though….woof. He was barely getting his forehead even with the bar on pull-ups and he was basically jumping the floor on his pushups.
@be_a_light I don't disagree at all. I know it was super polarizing at the games that he was given an invite as an unproven CrossFit athlete, but the dude is (or was, not sure if still is) considered one of the best obstacle course runners in the world. He may have a douche personality but he's still an incredible athlete.
@theinformer So someone who only trained for 1 year beat people who had trained for many? Doesn't quite fit the definition of "getting smoked". I am no Hunter fan and wanted him to go down in flames, but let's be real. He exceeded expectations.
@cmadukasi He has been a professional athlete in a comparable sport, trained full time and had a chip on his shoulder for 1 event. Take that as you choose to, but he is a fit human, but extraordinarily overrated.

Also, when you are already a professional athlete, training for a year can get you very far, even top level
@caleb_m awh man yeah you're right! sorry I blacked that year out from memory because it was such a sham of a games :/ the first few events were mega biased against athletes like tim. IIRC Pat Vellner got cut too, and that dude is easily top 5 fittest. not a very balanced first few tests, if memory serves.
@bigred009 The first event was literally a mainsite workout. You absolutely can’t find a more CrossFit event than something pulled directly off the mainsite.

We can live in a world where there are people who are pretty good at CrossFit that don’t focus solely on CrossFit.
@caleb_m totally agree the first workout was a mainsite that was programmed that day. I was speaking more to the first few workouts before the cuts, which in no way could be considered a "well-rounded" test of fitness prior to the cuts. programming for the games vs programming for gen pop are different, and it seemed like a point of pride for castro that he has a well rounded test of all aspects of the sport to test for the "fittest".
@bigred009 “The Fittest on Earth” is an average of several events. At the end of the week, the radar plot looks evenly distributed, but each event does not have to follow the same profile in order to get to the end point.

This is why the sport is dying: false bravado.

EDIT: to clarify the false bravado. The New England Patriots are the absolute example of dynasty. But on years they didn’t make the Super Bowl, no one claimed that the Super Bowl wasn’t really the best two teams. But in CrossFit, when typically high ranking athletes don’t make it far it’s claimed as a bad year. Either the test is always valid or it isn’t.
@dannyabc Doubt it because the money in CF is still a lot better. With that being said, the new CEO stated that they need to remove some of the funding for the games and allocate it toward other CF projects so we’ll see.