My spin instructor made me cry!


New member
I’ve been going to this spin studio for roughly 2 months. The instructor I usually have is awesome, she’s always saying stuff like “no judgement, as long as you sweat!” And “this is your time, make yourself proud”. I’ve had two other instructors here who are similarly sweet. This morning I decided to try another time slot and holy shit, what a mistake. I could t really understand the instructor’s mic, but what I could wasn’t nice. She would mock us and say “oH mY sPiN cLaSs Is So HaRd... SHUT UP!” And other annoying things. Since I couldn’t understand her too well I just ignored her and did my best to figure out the movements by watching everyone else. She would get yell at us for not going “wooooo!” at the right time. She constantly told us how she didn’t care and that she can swear because she’s an ADULT (no one called her out for swearing yet she said this every few songs).

At one point I was out of breath from sprints, so I put my arms on my head so I can breath better. She looks at me and goes “awwww are you stretching?” I start to say “no I’m breathing” but she cuts me off and shouts “you’re not done yet honey”. At the end of the class she dresses us down for sucking. This girl one the bike next to her (either her friend or a really passionate regular) starts yelling louder than the instructor ever did about how we’re ungrateful, we should be thanking the instructor, we didn’t even try hard during class, on and on... I usually thank the instructor but I didn’t even know that was the last song!

When class began I was excited and happy to have an instructor with a kick, but as it went on I realized she really was serious about her negativity. I never let anyone see but I was wiping away tears the whole class. I was yelled at as a kid a lot so getting screamed at as an adult is incredibly hard for me. I don’t even know why I’m posting this, just kind of wanted some support or to see if anyone else has been there.
@cepha Yup. My first ever solidcore class was like that -- I left feeling utterly defeated, and didn't want to go back. And I was so disappointed. She had talked before class about how she was going to yell, and she might adjust us and "I'm a lawyer, so I know what I can do."

And I hated it.

I went back with other instructors and was trying to determine whether it was something with the franchise, or with her, and realized that nope, everyone else there was fantastic.

Maybe these boot camp on steroids instructors are good fits for some people, but it wasn't for me, and it doesn't sound like it was for you. And that's OK. You will find other instructors who aren't like that.
@cepha Must've been a gimmick to break the monotonicity. Don't worry I'm sure no logical business owner and instructor would actually think to hurt their customers. And sorry you didn't get the experience they had in mind (tough love). Because I personally would have loved it. I think if all the instructor have the same personality I would be bored. I think the yelling would wake me up and I would watch it as an entertainment show. Not to down play your feelings of course. Maybe let the owner know they should have a warning sticker when booking those tough-love classes
@cepha I used to have a spin instructor who would jokingly give us grief, telling us to keep pushing ourselves harder and all that. We knew it was in good spirits, though, because she would also be encouraging and chat with everyone after class. Even that instructor was a bit much for me if I was having a tough day. I can't imagine what it would be like to think my instructor legitimately felt like I wasn't trying hard enough. I would never take that class again.
@cepha I had a super mean tough spin instructor, but it was her schtick and she was actually legitimately super nice. Very “That’s not all you’ve got! Keep going! No bitching!” And we’d listen to Eminem uncensored.

But if you were new or it was your first class, she’d check on you and give you a thumbs up when you were crushing it or if you were sitting when everyone was up, she’d smile at you like it was all cool. There’s a level to mean seriousness that she recognized isn’t for everyone. The instructor you had sounded downright awful and nothing like that.
@cepha This happened to me before at my local Y!!! I had a panic attack and rushed out of the room crying and never went back. I couldn’t even bring myself to go back to my normal spin class. What a nightmare. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.
@cepha I also don’t respond well to being yelled as as a result of frequent yelling and parental fights as a kid. I’m sorry, that’s sounds like a terrible experience.

You can always walk out of a class if it’s not serving you; I tell myself this all the time. I have never actually done it, but I probably would have on this case. Who needs added negativity to their day? It doesn’t have to be all rainbows and kitties, but how dare some one belittle a group of people who are practicing a healthy habit and paying to do it!!

I’m not typically a complainer, but I’d probably file a complaint if this were me.

I hope you found another way to feel nice and supported today. Great job getting a good work out it!!
@cepha just here to say you're not alone-- I'm exactly like you in that yelling was a big part of my childhood and it doesn't matter the situation now-- if i get yelled at, I'm crying. 😭
@cepha Woah. I've gone to hundreds of spin classes in many different studios and have NEVER had such an instructor. I've only ever had sweet & motivating instructors, and that's what keeps me going back. You should absolutely tell management about your experience because I doubt you're the only one who felt this way and management absolutely needs to know if they're putting off patrons.
@cepha Considering I become anxious and weak-kneed when I’m put on the spot with GOOD encouragement during a CrossFit WOD this sounds like absolute torture.
@cepha You need to report this person. ASAP. I know it’s hard but her behavior is unacceptable. And you’re paying for it, you deserve to be in a class with kind motivating teachers. You can not disappoint anyone by reporting her behavior. Being yelled at is super not okay.
@cepha I wish this sub would bring back Strong moderation. Now we’re just seeing daily threads of people being traumatised at the gym due to unresolved issues from their past and this is really falling outside the realms of fitness.
@afmtv Unfortunately, the masses have spoken and this is what they want. /r/weightroom is modded well if you need a sub for lifting and haven't been there.
@afmtv You can just downvote it to cast your vote. Personally I feel like this is exactly the type of thing this sub is for- talking about what happened at the gym today.