My spin instructor made me cry!

@sandybear Thank you so much for this perspective. I would have rather been in silence than listening to her. The instructor I usually go to is awesome, if anything this makes me appreciate her more. And it sounds like you’re an awesome teacher as well.
@cepha I hope you'll have a good avenue to share your positive feedback with your preferred teacher and/or the studio, too! As an instructor it's always nice to hear specific things that your students appreciate, so I'm sure your instructor would love to hear that you really value their positive approach to motivating you all!
@cepha I had a really fucking rude pilates instructor once. She said a girl fell during her class and injured herself and it was her fault because she wasn’t following directions. In the class I took she was rude, mean, and told us to pay attention and do it right over and over. Hate instructors like this! Join the military if you want to yell at people, I’m just trying to be fit! I never went back to that studio.
@dogoodfeelgood I had a yoga teacher do something similar to me once when I was new and it almost put me off yoga forever. I have a parasympathetic nervous system thing where I faint really easily, so I spent about 30 minutes of a 90 minute Bikram class in child's pose.

She was like "I want everyone to do the next pose. That means you, Hiss." I shook my head no. She was like "Come on, you can do it." and I was like "No, I can't." She asked me a third time and I started packing up my mat about to cry. After I left (my coworker was still in the room), she told the whole class "I don't want you all to think I'm being a bitch, but I have a sixth sense for someone's just not pushing themselves and I know Hiss could have done it." ?
@colton1919 That infuriates me. I go to yoga teachers who ONLY tell us to do what we are comfortable doing because the ones who push too hard aren’t in it for the right reasons. I totally know the feeling, and I have left classes early too. No shame! But shame on that instructor for being such a POS to you.
@colton1919 Yeah, I had a yoga instructor try to force me into a position once (physically pushing me) and acting like that. It's 10000% NOT OK. Especially in yoga, where the whole intent is to listen to your body and work within what you're capable of doing without injury. I'm an adult. I know when I can push myself a little farther and stretch a little deeper - and I also know when I am hurting myself or pushing against an injury. It's not for someone outside my body to think they know better.
@colton1919 This is so not ok anywhere, but especially in a yoga class. The experience can be intensely spiritual and very personal, and to call someone out like that goes against everything the practice is supposed to be.
@dogoodfeelgood I know the military likes to "break you down before we build you up" but I'm not sure that's the best philosophy.

I keep thinking, is it really necessary to train our troops to treat other people like shit if they're in charge of them, just because someone is different than you or not as capable at doing X.
@oreoluwa I heard this policy is in place for a good reason. In war, even a second of hesitation can get you and your brothers and sisters killed.

At least, I've only heard veterans defending this philosophy.
@cepha Absolutely report to management, this is so incredibly rude, unprofessional and so many other negative things. You are PAYING for a class, you should not be subjected to any treatment that you do not want.
@twinmama I think I’m going to ask management to label her class as boot camp or something. They label the Saturday class as a hip hop ride even though it’s hardly different from any other class, so it shouldn’t be out of reason. I don’t want her fired or anything but I would have appreciated a heads up and I’m willing to bet others like me would too.
@cepha I like your idea to re-word the title. Some people like “tough love” and I don’t think she should get fired for it, but people should have a heads up as to what they’re getting in to. And maybe mention it to your fave instructor, even as a compliment to her/him. “Just wanted to tell you - I checked out X’s class and I really wasn’t a fan. I like your positivity and uplifting teaching style way better!” Because I’m SURE your favorite teacher knows how the other instructor is on the bike... and maybe off of it too.
@cepha I don't think this should even be labeled a boot camp. It should be advertised just like that restaurant in Vegas where all the servers are purposely rude to customers as a shtick.

I teach boot camp and I would never speak like that to my members.
@lesterlom I don’t know- I think labeling it as “tough love boot camp” might work. I like classes that use peer pressure to push me into working harder and it can be difficult to find them since expectation for instruction vary wildly. The best class I’ve ever been to was labeled “military sweat camp” and the instructor would make everyone start their reps at one every time a student couldn’t complete. The fear of him making us start over while calling me out pushed me to do better, and I really grew to appreciate it
@dawn16 But exactly, as long as it is labeled that way, I agree that would work. I just mean in general, people go into boot camps expecting hard work but not necessarily expecting to be treated the way OP was.
@cepha I agree that you should go say something to management. Everyone should be able to gauge the overall mood/style of the class by its name and description. That’s a pretty objective argument that I can’t imagine any good gym denying.

If they look into it and decide they don’t care for the style of class she actually teaches, then it’s not on you at all.

ETA: I do think you would be justified in making a complaint about this instructors lack of professionalism. This is just a simple approach that is lower stress for you.
@cepha Ick. I’m sorry that happened to you. Few people are motivated in fitness by “bullying.” I’m the same way as you. I can’t stand being yelled at. I like being pushed but more in the manner of “you can do this! 10 minutes left DONT give up!”

I would avoid going to her class again if you can, and honestly maybe even talking to this instructor if possible and telling her why you were upset in her class.
@cepha It’s completely insane for her to have done that. Even if it’s an advertised gimmick she should have enough control over herself to recognize one one in distress, whether physical or emotional.

I hope there isn’t a next time, but just in case there is just be kind to yourself. And give yourself permission to leave and enjoy a positive workout on your own. You shouldn’t have to leave feeling bad cause someone else gets off on having the time boots licked. 🙂