My summer plan


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Hey there! I’m 5’2 and 215 pounds. I gained about 75 pounds over 3 years. I’m a first year teacher and I’m so excited to take this paid time off to really focus on myself and my health. I have a plan I’ve created and wanted some input on it!

-daily yoga
-glutes 3x a week (just want to see how my lower half changes with glute workouts!)
-one take out a week optional
-one take out coffee a week
-1.6 L of water a day
-1700 cal limit a day
@kurbatskiy I get the appeal of focusing on an isolated muscle group, but ...

A) your glutes can only gain so much strength if the other supporting muscles are not also gaining strength. You need to also strengthen low back, hips, quads, hamstrings if you want your glutes to reach max potential without injuring yourself in the process.

B) my best guess is it will look funky to have perfectly defined, strong glutes when everything else has no definition.

If your butt is the focus, I'd recommend 1 glute workout per week, 1 more general lower body (this can INCLUDE glutes, but not be the exclusive focus), 1 full body (so you don't look lopsided, and again this can include glutes).
@nezsruiz In my experience yoga is a lot of body weight exercises and enough for me to feel like I’m gaining strength in the other areas. The glutes are just an experiment, if I don’t like how it’s going I’ll switch it lol
@kurbatskiy Yeah depends very much on the type of yoga you do (can be anything from athletic & powerful to stretchy & relaxing).

If you are doing the more challenging yoga, please make sure you have at least one day off of no exercise whatosever to let your body repair muscles, rest, and recover.
@kurbatskiy I wouldn’t recommend same body part 3 times a week. Especially if you’re going with moderate to high intensity. You’re going to get the opposite of what you want and most likely wind up with an injury from overuse and create some pretty bad imbalances.

If you want to focus on glutes and only have 3 days you should split into 2 full lower body and one upper body session in-between.
@kurbatskiy Honestly, I think it’s fine. Just don’t go too heavy on the glutes. If you recover fine from session to session, then there’s no problem. People are too worried over nothing because they think your body has to look a certain way. It’s your body. If you want bigger butt and not much else, then you do you. Most people’s glutes are underdeveloped anyways compared to the other muscles.
@austinrnewton Lol thanks, I’ve always had a larger butt, (size L in bottoms even at 120 pounds) but I want to see what it could be if it was more muscle and less fat. I don’t want to be particularly muscular anyways and figured daily yoga (similar to calisthenics for me) would build the strength I want in other areas. It’s just for the summer. If things are weird then I’ll adapt lol