New lifter, re-evaluating my exercises and would like a form check on them


New member
Hello r/beginnerfitness. I started doing strength training ~2 months ago following the GZCLP routine. UnfortUnfortunately, I fell into the beginner's trap / lifters envy and went too hard too fast, focusing on piling on the weight, compromising my form. Luckily I've now realized my mistake and I'm going back to basics to focus on improving my form.

The exercises in this form check post are for my accessory exercises, exercises that I do that aren't worked during GZCLP (mainly core exercises). I'm planning of posting form checks for my GZCLP lifts, but I thought I'd start with these ones.

The exercises in the form check are as follows (SxR+ @ x lbs, AMRAP = x):

Kettlebell crunch (3x25+ @ 88 lbs, AMRAP = 30)

Kettlebell Russian twist variation (3x30+ @ 88 lbs, AMRAP = 35)

Dumbbell leg raise (3x15+ @ 15 lbs, AMRAP = 15)

Woodchopper (6x15+ @ 40 lbs, AMRAP = 15)

Hip thrust (3x15+ @ 135 lbs, AMRAP = 25)

Lateral raise (3x15+ @ 45 lbs, AMRAP = 15)

Glute kickback (6x15+ @ 78 lbs, AMRAP = 20)

Hip abduction (3x15+ @ 160 lbs, AMRAP = 20)

Crunch machine (3x15+ @ 100 lbs, AMRAP = 15)

Videos here :
How does the form on my exercises look?

I know that there are a lot of exercises in this post, I do apologize if I included too many.

I really appreciate any and all help / advice!

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