New Years 2023 Announcement: BWF Primer Follow-along Event + BWSF Routine Soft-Launch!

@dontdosadness For the top chinup hold, how long are you supposed to hold it for before progressing. Also it seems very similar to the negative chinup, so what are the exact differences?
@dontdosadness This is awesome! I was just starting to get back into working out (slowly but surely) after an injury/umbilical hernia that happened early/mid-November, so I'm looking forward to it. The RR was a bit unbalanced for me, so I can't wait to give this one a solid go.

Appreciate your hard work, and your willingness to share your knowledge, experience, and perspectives freely and openly.
@dontdosadness Noice! Thanks for sharing the new routine. I like some of the changes over the RR here. Notably the addition of a true overhead press and the switch to straight sets instead of super sets.

Question about the rep ranges for my knowledge. Is 8-15 reps still recommended even for barbell squats and RDLs? Or is that for the true BW exercises? Why 8-15 instead of 5-8 as it is in the RR and why the increase in reps in general?
@dawn16 In standard training nomenclature, something like "3x5, 2.5 min rest" means 5 reps, rest 2.5 minutes, 5 reps, rest 2.5 minutes, 5 reps.

In other terms, you do each exercise 3 times before moving on to the next, as you stated initially.

This is covered in one of the Primer Build-up days so I did not see it as necessary to cover again, but I hope that clears up the misunderstanding!
@dontdosadness Ok thanks. Yeah I started with the RR 2.5 years ago. Have since switched to a different program and was now looking to see if and how the RR had progressed. I didn't check the Primer because I'm a bit too advanced for that.

Would you say that it was necessary to do each exercise x times and then move on to the next as opposed to just completing the whole routine and then starting again, and doing that 3 times? What would be the pros and cons of each approach?

I'm asking because other guides usually pair up exercises like the old RR. Or they let me go through a routine and start over x times. So I'm curious why this is do exercise y for x times and then move on.
@dontdosadness When do you think you'll get all the videos up and running? In the mean time I'll look up the videos that haven't been made yet. Thank you for making another routine that everyone can do. Sorry if this sounds a little rude as if I'm asking for more but I am very eager to get into this routine. Sorry about that but thank you!

Edit: Sorry didn't realize a good amount of the exercises already have videos. 👍Thank you.
@dontdosadness Thanks for the hard work!
Due to some old injuries, I prefer doing Barbell Overhead Press instead of Pike Pushups / Barbell squats instead of Bodyweight Squats / Romanian Deadlifts instead of Bodyweight hinges.
Should I keep the same sets/reps ranges as indicated for the bodyweight exercises?
@dontdosadness Loving the inclusion of the 6-day split. I can maintain habits so much more easily if I can do them daily, instead of every other day. I'll gladly take the penalty of it being somewhat suboptimal in favor of better consistency. End goal is also very motivating. Very happy with the efforts on this, thanks!

Been doing the RR on and off for ~3 years, and been looking forward to this since the primer came out. I'll be patiently waiting for the next one(s)!
@dontdosadness Got it, good luck. If I am already above the finishing numbers for BWSF do you think it's a good idea to just stay with the RR or is it better to move to another routine?