Newish to the KBs and Q about proper form


New member
Hi all--

This subreddit has been really inspiring and I want to thank everyone for the posts they've shared showing off their skills, forms, and dedication. I lifted a bit for a while, gained weight during covid and fell out of practice, and over the last year have been slowly getting back into weights but with kettlebells and have really loved the experience.

I have a question about jerks and strain on the elbows. When the kettlebells are in the position on my upper chest before I jerk them up, I feel strain on my elbows and it feels like I have developed a case of tennis elbow. Not bad but enough to be annoying.

Could this part of the jerk be the culprit or has anyone else had similar strain on their elbows like this? I actually don't feel it when cleaning, oddly. Just when the kettlebells are in that position on the upper chest ready to be pushed up.

Thank you for your thoughts.
@manye There's a lot that could be at play here - grip, insertion, shoulder mobility, elbow mobility, etc. etc.

In these situations it's most helpful if you can post a video of what your technique looks like. This allows folks to see if there's anything way out of the ordinary that could be contributing to what you're feeling.

Obligatory check with your doctor if the pain is chronic and severe.