Official Discussion: Quick and Thick / Double Grace

@dannqanes Double grace is just stupid. It's like Crossfit is intentionally giving the middle finger to everyone who (rightfully) questions the impact of such high volume exercise on the human body.

That being said, Rich is going to destroy this. No way he finishes below 2nd or 3rd on this event.
@dannqanes So . . . anyone else see this as tailor-made for Froning? Nothing like avoiding creativity in favor of a pair of nice, hardcore muscle WODs. CrossFit May train us across ten domains, but the Games are pretty much about one.
@create24 Definitely, the only thing they care about is strength. There have been no gymnastics movements or cardio tests. Unless you count the running, rowing, handstand walks, swimming, sprinting, pull ups, and muscle ups (ring and bar).
@viro8999 I'll give you that. The variety of workouts and the lack of creativity is really disappointing though, and it just seems like each year when it gets down to it the Games are won by 155# walking lunges and the like.

I shouldn't whine about Froning winning the bro-Games, because he truly is the fittest at this. I maintain, however, that we'll never see running or burpees deciding the Games. CrossFit trains all kinds of athletes, but you better be able to deadlift a truck to win this competition.
@create24 The events are almost all weighted equally, so an earlier event with "running or burpees" has just as much as an impact on the outcome as double Grace does.
@create24 The final events of the games are always tailored to Fronning. Why? Because he is the best at CrossFit, and the final events are traditional style MetCons. That being said, it's more that Fronning is tailored for these events.
@create24 The events test:
  • Endurance
  • 1RM
  • Endurance
  • Speed/Power
  • Speed/Power
  • Metcon/Gymnastics
  • Endurance/Gymnastics
  • Speed/Power
  • 1RM
  • Metcon/Gymnastics
  • Core Strength/Metcon/Gymnastics
  • Gymnastics/3RM
  • Metcon
So I don't really see your point.
@alfarinicebreaker I just think seeing Froning crush everyone at a strength event for the finals one more time is getting boring. Let's see something requiring more than brute strength at the final event.
@create24 60 clean and here's at 135 is muscle endurance, not brute strength. Also last year the Cincos tested gymnatics, strength, skill, with short rest. No exactly just brute strength.
@create24 So put the Beach or the Triple-3 last and watch Rich Froning win by coming in 29th place in the event? You do realize that the events are all worth the same right?