Opinion: Is this a good workout plan to get a V-Taper?


New member
Day 1: Chest/Back

Incline DB Bench 3x6-8

Chest flies 3x10-12

Dips 3x8-10

Barbell Bent Over Rows 3x6-8

Lat Pulldowns 3x12-15

Wide Grip Cable Row 3x12-15

Day 2: Shoulders

Lateral Raises 2xFailure

Seated DB overhead press 3x8-10

Rear Delt Flies 3x10-12

Cable Lateral Raises 3x10-12

Shrugs 3x12-15

Leg Raises 3x12-20

Day 3: Legs

Hamstring Curl Machine 3x12-15

Barbell Squats 3x6-8

DB RDL 3x10-12

Leg Extension 3x15-20

Calf Raises 3xFailure

Planks 3x45s

Day 4: Rest

Day 5: Push

BB Overhead Press 3x6-8

Incline BB Bench 3x-10-12

Machine Chest Press 3x10-12

Upright Row 3x12-15

Skull Crushers 3x12-15

Tricep Extension 3x12-15

Day 6: Pull

Pull ups 3x5-10

BB Deadlifts 3x6-8

T-Bar Rows 3x10-12

Wide grip lat pulldowns 3x10-12

Incline Bicep Curls 3x12-15

Db Hammer Curls 3x12-15

Days 7: Rest
@garry777 This weekly workout plan looks great! If only I could force myself to hit the gym five days a week. I’m doing good if I can hit it four days a week.
@garry777 getting a v taper is partially about genetics. But that aside, make sure you aren’t overweight then build muscle on your upper body, chest, shoulders back.

You have a lot of reps in your sets. I would suggest increasing weight and reducing sets so you teach failure on your first set around 8-10 then do another 2 til failure. Increase weight when you reach failure at 11 or higher on your first set for the same exercise 3 times.

I personally do dips and 3 different types of pull ups at the end of every workout. 1 set to failure.