Petites who has successfully lost those last ~5-10lbs, did it make a significant difference in your body?


New member
Hi all!

So I’m 5’2” and about 120lbs. My GW is around ~110 bc I’ve always felt best around there, but those last 10lbs have been KILLER! So I’m wondering if it’s even worth it now to keep a deficit for those elusive last 10lbs if it won’t make much of a difference… but at the same time, I keep thinking about the paper towel effect and how the last few lbs ARE supposed to make a huge difference. I just can’t envision it lol. I should add: I do lift 3-4 times a week, but haven’t really built any muscle due to being in a deficit. But for those of y’all that have managed to lose those last 5-10lbs, what was your experience? Did it make a big difference in your body/physique? (And, what’s your secret? LOL!)

@dassahjoy 5’4”. Yes for me it made a difference. I hold onto fat in my lower body so going from 125 to 116/117 is where I finally started seeing the slimmer thighs I was working towards.

I also lost my booty, so now I’m working towards bulking and building that back up if I can! And I’ll aim to stay steady at about 116 I think but with increased muscle. My previous GW was 123.

Don’t beat yourself up about it though! Especially through the holidays. Even maintaining is a feat right now!
@nickymoore138 Same here, 5'3.5" and the difference between 125 to 115 lbs was a size down (US 4 to US 2) and also I do scans at my gym and my body fat percentage went from about 22% to about 17%. I think my body looks way more toned now than it did before.

Edit to add: having said that, 115 is extremely hard to maintain so I do fluctuate up to 120 lbs sometimes, but I also focus more on strength training now, so as long as my bfp is maintained I'm slightly less concerned about the overall weight as long as it stays under 120 lbs.
@simsodep8388 My once nice booty was a pancake when I reached 115. My original goal was 110 but seeing my sad ass made me decide to bulk early. And I'm so glad I did. I'm halfway through my bulk sitting around 123 and based on my photos/measurements, I look better now than I did at 116-118 mid-cut. I'm all about body fat % now vs the scale.
@andrusjarv Yes, this is me! It just disappeared 😒. Tell me about your bulk! How many calories over maintenance and do you follow your own program?

I’ve started Caroline Girvan as I’ve heard good things about her for getting stronger/bigger and I’m looking to lift heavier if I can. And I work out at home so it will take investing in heavier weights.
@nickymoore138 I was so obsessed with the number that I only did cardio when I was losing. Next time around I'll workout so I don't lose all my gains.

I'm only about 200 over my maintenance (which is around 1850) and I follow my own program (2 upper, 2 lower per week)! I have a bad back and bad knees, and some exercises exacerbate my issues but my program isn't too far off from the popular ones, I just don't do deadlifts or any type of lunges. I also do more isolation upper body exercises than what I see most female programs offer as my arms are my biggest insecurity and what made me wanna get fit in the first place.

I worked out at home for almost 2 years before I joined a gym. It allowed me to really perfect my form and also just get comfortable with being a lifter. My BF and I worked out together and he was the best trainer because he knew exactly what my issues were. Eventually I outgrew the home gym. It helps that my gym is also right next door to my house :)

Do what makes you feel comfortable and good luck! Feel free to ask me any other questions if you want!
@andrusjarv That’s so great that you are able to feel confident in the gym. Lunges also make my knees hurt so I’m careful. I’m trying to figure out my maintenance now and then plan for about 250 over so it’s good to know that’s what others do too.

Keep up the great work. Best wishes on your journey!
@nickymoore138 I use Macrofactor! Worth every penny, I love how the app uses personal data to determine accuracy for maintaining/losing/gaining. I occasionally will have a couple 2400-2600 days every month but I don't sweat it. I know it's going somewhere.

You too! Please update us!
@andrusjarv Yes! Even at 123 lbs at two different points in time with two different body fat percentages can look totally different. I had zero butt to begin with so nothing to "shrink" when I went down to 115 lol. I hover between 115-120 now and this is where I like the look of my arms. I'm obsessed with arms days, it's funny how we all have our focus on different things!
@simsodep8388 I’m trying to get in this mindset. I was focused on getting the scale number down for quite some time. And now I was to get strong/more muscle definition in my lower body. I know that means I need to increase muscle and therefore weight. So I am trying to eat more and be ok with the scale going up.
@nickymoore138 You'll get there! I'm okay with the scale going up but I do keep a goal "range" if that makes sense. Because if I don't and I go over the high end of the range, personally I unfortunately start to spiral. But seriously I didn't exercise or lift weights and until 3 years ago and now I'm hooked on weightlifting. In addition to weight loss, body fat decrease, and aesthetic purposes --- it just feels GOOD. I had no idea I was capable of being so strong and having fun doing it. And I feel so much more confident too. You can too!
@nickymoore138 I also hold onto fat on my lower body (stomach always loses the weight first) and would love to hear what your routine to get to 116/117lbs was/is like, if you’re open to sharing!
@bluestarsky Sure! So focused on getting 120g of protein in while adhering to CICO.

And then I strength train 5x a week following Sydney Cummings on YouTube. Most recently it was her Move series. And I’ve also done Summer Time Fine 3.0 and 2.0.

I also walk a bunch. Averaging about 15k steps a day. Some hiking when I can get it in on weekends and much time on the treadmill. I do it during large meetings where I’ll just be listening mostly (I work remotely) and while I watch reality tv 😬.
@dassahjoy not gonna lie i feel like there will always be the last 5/10 pounds ahah. the key really is to find balance between your aesthetic goals and what you can maintain safely without ruining your life
@dassahjoy Made a significant difference to my body at the cost of my mental health. It was easy to drop to what I wanted but maintaining it without creating havoc on my hormones and overall health wasn't worth it.
@dassahjoy Those last 10lbs are about 8% of your total bodyweight right now, usually the last few bit makes quite a difference, especially in the places that you want to see the most change. Never heard of the paper towel effect but I definitely agree with it. I think it'll be worth it.
@jesusistheultimatewarrior On the notable paper towel 🧻 analogy:

When you are heavy, you are big around. And when you are big around, that fat is spread over a MUCH larger area — just like that outside towel sheet.

The closer you get to the lean you, the more each lost pound of fat shows, because it is spread over a smaller area.

While the outside sheet may only cover 1 layer of the roll, the inside sheet may go around 4 times.

That last sheet looks like it gives you 4 times the results of the first sheet, but in reality, the results are the same - your perception is just different!

TLDR; The last few pounds look like they make a bigger difference.
@dassahjoy The secret for me was quitting alcohol. If you check my profile, I posted yesterday what an 11 pound weight loss looks like on me. I am 5’4 and went from around 130 to 118.