Physically can’t do a burpee


New member
I’m 6’2, overweight and lack mobility. I’ve been doing CrossFit for about 5 months, and previously did CrossFit for a little while 9 years ago. In any situation I cannot for the life of me perform a burpee correctly. Popping up and getting my legs back under me and feet on the floor is impossible. Usually I’ll drop down, push up and try to pop up but land on my toes knees bent. So I have to “mountain climb” my way back up, jump, repeat. Anyone have this issue and were able to overcome?
@bootsie1 If you keep showing up, you will do a burpee eventually. You are in the right track.

One thing to know is that it will never feel easier because as you get in better shape you will push harder.
@bootsie1 A burpee in its purest form is lying down on the floor and getting back up. You’re looking at the most efficient way of doing that as the standard, but it’s not. You keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll look back and be shocked at where you’ve gone.
@caleb_m Absolutely, this is Rx stuff. Nothing about it is scaled.

A little side note, if you do burpees like this in an ARAMP you get less burpees to do! Straight math! There’s no reward for “popping back up”, only more punishment.
@strange1 The importance of scaling-to down until you meet the stimulus, increase difficulty forward. Keep working on it OP-but also-don’t beat yourself up. For you, it’s a burpee, for some a box step up, sit up, pull up or 300lb snatch. Different levels and goals.
@bootsie1 I’m 6’8 and never did any kind of sport at 37 yo. I started burpees by simply crawling down and getting back up . After 6 months , I was able to put my hands on the floor and throw my feet in the plank position but still crawling back up kind of . Now I’m coordinated enough to throw myself on the floor and get back up and I’m proud .

Keep doing whatever you can do . Showing up to the training session is the most important part 🫶
@bootsie1 Our gym scales a lot of people to do what we call "bodybuilders", which is basically start standing, jump or step your legs back until you're in a high plank, making sure your hips are down, then jumping or stepping back in and standing up.

But also I'm pretty fit, and I step out and back into 90% of my burpees because I'm prone to twisted ankles and it ain't that serious. And when it's real bad, I'm doing grief burpees (Instagram Link).. Tbh there are only 2 types of CrossFitters, people who have done Grief Burpees, and liars.
@bootsie1 When it’s time to jump up, try jumping up wide legged. Also, scale that shit. If I gotta do more than 3 consecutively, I will be scaling after that third one. You got this
@bootsie1 I've been doing CF for almost a year, and I didn't think there was a wrong way to do a burpee.

After a few of them I struggle to get up off the floor. But I've never gotten any criticism from the coach or other people in the class, only encouragement!