@krae991 I'm 57 and over the decades I pretty much lost my sweet tooth. I may indulge in a 1/4 cup of ice cream once every few months. I didn't even eat the wedding cake at my kids' weddings. I just don't have a taste for it anymore.
But, it was a process! I grew up eating sweets All The Time. My mom loved to bake and every night we'd have a big bowl of ice cream after dinner. If it was 4pm, it was time for chocolate.
It's been awhile but I know some of my tricks early on where:
- Never ever eat sweets on an empty stomach; only indulge after a full meal which includes protein
- If you're having cake or cookies, have it with a big glass of milk
- No sweet breakfasts: no donuts, no pancakes, no waffles, no cinnamon buns. Eat eggs for breakfast instead.
- Split dessert with someone.
- Savor: eat slowly. You may only need a few bites. Share the rest.
- Substitute: I love a hot baked yam with whipped cream!
- Probably the biggie: realize the emotions behind why you crave sugar (or salt or crunch). For me it was soothing when I felt sad or wanted mothering since my mom would show love by baking and feeding us sweet treats. (Whereas I craved crunchy foods when I was angry).
- Listen to your body: I would get severe sugar spikes and swings. I also realized if I ate chocolate just once, I'd be eating it every day. So I tried going cold turkey on chocolate and that worked to break the "addiction" to chocolate.
- Be aware of the Halloween-to-Easter trouble zone, and have a plan for such holidays.
Today I am somehow allergic to chocolate now! I cannot even eat it in tiny amounts without horrible acid reflux (despite being on reflux meds) and getting hives. So chocolate is super easy for me to skip.
I also cannot tolerate sweets on an empty stomach at all--- it makes me feel sick within an hour. The eating-sweets-with-milk trick no longer works either, as I've developed lactose intolerance.
But, I am not your person to ask about salty stuff! I still have a huge salt tooth. My best for that is to have a plate of salted veggies + olives + pickles whenever I crave chips or french fries. But I still eat a lot of chips. Every now and then I'll eliminate them from my diet and I do lose weight, but I always go back to eating them anyway. I think I need the salt!