Please help nothing is working


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Nothing is working

Guys please help me. I am desperate at this point.
I am having a hard extremely difficult time figuring out programming and fitness in general. I have been lifting since November of 2022 and the. Got really serious and consistent in February 2023. Working out 4-5 days a week every single week except for maybe 3 weeks since then.

I have tried different programming, went from cutting to currently bulking and I am just not seeing any progress. I keep stalling at the same weight even after deloading and switching up programs. I am benching LESS than I was one year ago. I benched 165 about a year ago but I realized I started way to heavy and prioritized form and I would slowly build back up to 160-165ish just to fail my sets and deload repeatedly. Even now just last week I hit 155 and failed and I went back to 135 and struggled. I just am not getting this and it’s very very discouraging.

I’ve spent a lot of money on building out my garage gym. And I really love this hobby but I am seriously just really upset because I feel like I should be way further than I am. It is very discouraging when I see family after a long period and they say “what happened to all the gym equipment you bought, did you quit using it?” While I’m here working out every day and I swear I am working hard I just can’t get past a certain point.

I desperately need help and I don’t have the money for a trainer. If someone can please reach out and offer some advice. I can share my programming and diet and everything even my stats and show you what I mean…
@rootsrockreggae So first, there's a few questions that need answers.

What's your protein intake per day? How many calories are you eating daily? What kinds of foods are you eating? How tall are you? What is your weight?

It sounds like you have a good routine down, but there's some missing variables here that need addressed. I am by no means an expert on nutrition or lifting. But I do lift 3-5 times a week with what I feel is a decent routine and may be able to give you some pointers
@uspenski So I’m getting on average 220-240 g of Protein daily. About 2700-2900 calories. I weigh 172 lbs I’m 5’9”. I am eating most eggs and a meat in the morning, protein shake with banana, 2 scoops of whey, pb powder for pre lunch, then I usually have a stuffed pepper bowl with 6-7 oz of ground beef or Turkey and lastly for dinner I’ll eat 8 oz of steak in a low carb tortilla with some onion/pepper blend and cheese to reach my macros goal.

I keep it pretty much the same most days. Been on this bulk for only a month now but I thought I would be able to break my plateau and turns out I plateaued again and ran into the same exact problem as before I began my bulk.
@rootsrockreggae I'll take a look at your routine. Can't say I have much to offer in advice unfortunately, it seems as though you have a good food regimen from what I can tell. Your protein intake may be a tad high, but I don't see that being an issue
@rootsrockreggae Need to know more about your workout to make recommendations. What exercises are you doing, in what order, etc. Post and I’ll take a look as will many other helpful people.
@rootsrockreggae Mtherfk reddit deleted my whole reply. My point was, being big and strong are generally interdependent, and specialisation down one road isn’t optimal unless youre advanced to elite.

Now for you, you have pretty sizable volume and exercise variation in your program but you’re not getting particularly big or strong.

I would take a step back and put my all into just a handful exercises and get a lot stronger. Honestly, I’d just have 2 presses, 2 pulls, a hinge and a squat exercise in your program + 2-3 max accessories in a day.

Could try 4 day upper lower split and focus on 1-2 exercises you wanna blast the fk out of, get strong af. The other stuff can take a back seat.

For example, maybe you wanna get strong at bench - you could do for upper days:
  • Bench 5x5
  • Pull (lat-pd / row) 3x10
  • Secondary press (incline DB press / OHP) 3x8
  • Accessories (bis & tris / rear & med delts)
Or if you wanted to get strong at squats on lower days:
  • Squat 5x5
  • RDL / ham-curl 3x8-10
  • Lunges / calf raise / any accessory you want
I would focus on planning simple and getting strong. As long as youre in a caloric surplus with enough protein and energy for workouts, where youre at its not so much about what you’re doing wrong rather than just effort and intensity.

That said, play it smart and slow, form over weight any day. I’m not a fan of powerlifting style bench or squat, but regardless make sure your form is good enough. Despite what people say, you should not necessarily progressively overload week to week. There’s not rush. Move up in weight and down in reps when you feel ready and stronger.

GL! Would love to hear updates if things work out 💪
@rootsrockreggae Honestly, structured programs never work well for me no matter how hard I tried for the first 3-4 years of lifting haha.

So I’ve only dabbled with 531. Id say try it if it looks good to you! Otherwise just do a me and fk around with some weight every session until that doesn’t work for you anymore xD

Ended up adding 35lbs to bench and squat and 65lbs on DL after a longish plateau for 1.5bw+ bench, 2bw+ squat and 2.7bw+ DL.

Not gonna win any comps out there but just wanted to show that hunkering down on basics will work and you don’t need to overthink it at earlier stages!

Choose whatever works for you though
@ricardborias I like to keep it simple myself but really want to break past this plateau. I might just try a cycle of 5/3/1 see if it helps any and then go back to the basics. I’m not trying to compete or anything but I’d like to get somewhere in numbers where I’m proud of and also a decent physique that makes me atleast look like I lift 😅