Please Help!!!!


New member
I’m 16 (M) and I have really bad man boobs along with a lot of love handle fat. I’m 5’9 ~145 lbs. I’ve been trying to do a lot of research as to why i still have man boobs. I was never really fat except for when i was around 10-13 i was ~5’4 - 5’5 at 160-170. Could it be that i lost the weight too fast? Is it just gyno? I’ll link a few pictures to show my current physique and how stretchy the skin is. Also whenever i sit down, it all just droops down into a huge ice cream cone looking mess. Do i eat more? less? I usually eat a lot of junk food and i don’t workout a lot. But have recently started to go on a calorie deficit and getting as much protein as i can. along with workouts at home, but i don’t really know what workouts to do at home with my little equipment. (pull-up bar, and small weights) I wouldn’t say that i have that little muscle mass because i can still bench more than my body weight and deadlift about twice my body weight. I just really need help because i’ve been trying to get rid of these for years now and it’s messing with my self esteem/image. Thanks!!

Current Physique:

imgur links should be fixed and working.
@merrykate Hey man! I can tell that for age 16 you know a lot about what you are talking about. Well done!

There’s a couple things at play here, but before I start, know that this is all good news. You should be really excited.

If you are 5’9 and 145 lb you are underweight, despite how your loose skin is making you feel. Loose skin is just something that happens during significant weight loss. It WILL slowly go away as time goes on. Yes, there are surgeries to remove it, HOWEVER, you, sir, are in a prime position and you won’t have to.

You have a unique position that you need to take advantage of. You are young, underweight, presumably not injured, in the middle of puberty, and your body is ready and willing to produce testosterone at a moments notice. It’s just waiting for a reason to.

If you start weight lifting hard and eating a fuck-ton of protein, you are, right at this moment, at the prime occasion of your life to start getting BUILT.

Weight lifting can be complex, so slowly start to become nerd about it. Start to search YouTube for how to work out. How to build a weight lifting routine. What is hypertrophy. Stuff like that. Just keep going down the rabbit hole until you feel educated enough about it to get started. It would be beneficial to join a gym. If you want to see results faster there really is no way around it. I don’t know your situation, or if that’s even feasible for you, but it will help.

Become a hypertrophy nerd. Eat A LOT of protein.

Fill those man-boobs with muscle.
@jesus2010 Thanks a lot this really helped reassure me and keep me motivated on track! I’ll continue to keep endlessly eating and chugging protein and make sure to do a lot of strength training. Is it necessary to add cardio to my workouts?
@merrykate In your case… the 100% honest answer is no.

Normally I would always encourage some cardio, just to increase or maintain endurance, but… dude… you’re 16 and underweight… you don’t need cardio right now.
@jesus2010 Okay thanks, i was about to start hammering down on intense cardio everyday 😅😅 I’ll look more into the hypertrophy training method. it’s just weird though, it doesn’t exactly feel like i’m underweight even though i am. it kinda sucks tbh. i think i just need a positive change to reshape my self body image, so thank you for the advice!!
@merrykate NP man. No, cardio unfortunately wont do anything at all for loose skin, only time will take care of that. You are actually in a position right now that most adults envy.
@merrykate Your link doesn't work

But to me, it just sounds like you're under muscled still.

Could it be that i lost the weight too fast?

Depending on how fast you lost the weight and if you were lifting and eating protein at the time, that could have contributed towards muscle loss, but it shouldn't have given you man boobs

Is it just gyno?

That's something to ask your doctor

stretchy the skin is

Skin is pretty stretchy naturally. I doubt it's loose skin cus you weren't THAT overweight before, plus you've grown in height so any stretched skin you had, you've probably grown into somewhat.

Also whenever i sit down, it all just droops down into a huge ice cream cone looking mess

You might be being too critical of yourself here. When you sit down, your skin and organs kinda gotta go somewhere. Even dudes with a 6 pack still have some rolls when they sit down.

Do i eat more? less? I usually eat a lot of junk food and i don’t workout a lot.

You should focus on eating HEALTHY first. And build this healthy eating into habit/lifestyle. Eating junk sure as hell isn't helping the situation. And start consistently working out. If you only can work out at home, check out /r/bodyweightfitness Otherwise, get in the gym. Maybe join a sports team at school to give you more of a reason to get fit.

But have recently started to go on a calorie deficit and getting as much protein as i can

At your height/weight, I wouldn't be losing weight. You're in the middle of the healthy weight range for your height. Just focus on eating healthier like I said, keep up the high protein (but try and get this from a focus on whole foods) and get consistent about working out.

I wouldn’t say that i have that little muscle mass because i can still bench more than my body weight and deadlift about twice my body weight.

When was the last time you actually benched and deadlifted? Cus 2x your bodyweight deadlift is pretty dang good, but there's a part of me that just doesn't believe you based on the rest of your post. If you can do these lifts... why aren't you in the weight room more often?
Your link doesn't work

I can DM you the pictures, my imgur isnt working for some reason.

Skin is pretty stretchy naturally. I doubt it's loose skin cus you weren't THAT overweight before, plus you've grown in height so any stretched skin you had, you've probably grown into somewhat.

Once you see the pictures, you'll know what I am talking about, I can stretch out the skin pretty far and I feel like its not a normal amount of skin, thought im not sure.

At your height/weight, I wouldn't be losing weight. You're in the middle of the healthy weight range for your height. Just focus on eating healthier like I said, keep up the high protein (but try and get this from a focus on whole foods) and get consistent about working out.

I'll definitely look into this, thank you!!

When was the last time you actually benched and deadlifted? Cus 2x your bodyweight deadlift is pretty dang good, but there's a part of me that just doesn't believe you based on the rest of your post. If you can do these lifts... why aren't you in the weight room more often?

The last time I bench maxed was around the beginning of May at 155 lbs , while the deadlift was around middle May at 275 lbs. I can do these lifts because I was in football for middle school and freshman year, but i quit because of me not liking my schools progam, being on their time, etc. I have no motivation to be in the weight room but I am really trying to improve on that because I know that I can create a routine for myself.
@merrykate You are skinny fat and underweight. I don't think you have gyno. You just don't have muscles. Start lifting and eat your protein. Follow the progressive overload principle.