Pre Workout


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Have yall ever tried pre workout powder/drinks? I never have and dont know what to expect. A coworker always does it and cant imagine her routine without. Some articles i read say just eat an hour before you hit the gym and it will be the same boost. And some say that it's proven to help your workouts (the whole "studies show" line w/o references)

I guess im asking if yall see a difference in your workout if you take it, and what you'd recommend.
@paul12345 Did you know that the highest average per capita consumption of bananas in the world is in Uganda, where residents eat an average of 500 pounds of bananas per person every year? In fact, the Ugandan word matooke means both "food" and "banana."

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@lil_worried I started taking it for pre workout but now I have replaced it with my coffee in the mornings. I drink it on the way to work, but not before workouts. I’m not a morning person.

I use GAT Nitraflex, but I’ve also heard good things about mountain ops (yeti) brand.
@lil_worried I like to do it for morning workouts. I feel like it does make a difference in my lifts, maybe because it's also got other things in it like BCAA and creatine. But if it's in the afternoon after work I avoid it so that it won't affect my sleep later that night. I do get a tingly feeling in my hands and my face, but it's not bothersome.

I take the C4 blue razz stuff.
@lil_worried I used to take pre-workout before climbing and it was an absolute awful time getting off it (I used to have shitty days when I forgot/didn't take it and I didn't like that dependency). I am just fine without it... Sometimes if I'm extra tired or unmotivated, I'll drink some coffee or take some shot blocs but no more pre-workout here.
@lil_worried I use it before my workouts since I wake up at 5am for a 6am workout. My weekend workouts happen without pre-workout and I feel fine doing them. I take it the recommended 20-30 minutes before my workouts.

You could also do black coffee as an alternative!
@lil_worried It’s not for everyone. I took it for a while but the only thing I really got from it were insane headaches and crashes beyond what I was used to. But if your body does fine with caffeine, by all means go for it
@lil_worried I've heard anything with caffeine will give the effect of a pre-workout. I have some half-caff coffee about an hour before the gym. I haven't noticed any huge difference, but my workout routine is a little easier to get through I think. Plus, I love coffee, so didn't exactly need an excuse to drink more lol
@lil_worried I power lift and make my own preworkout. It is amazing even without caffeine. Google it. But here is my recipe:

Pre workout Mix

Citrulline Malate 2-6g
Creatine 5g
BCAAs (leucine @3-4g) (you can skip)
Beta-Alanine 5g (this is what I think is the most important)
@lil_worried I tried my first one last week: the Vega Sport Lemon Lime. Omg it tasted like ass. I like Vega stuff, but they added turmeric to it, and all I could taste was turmeric plus stevia. Gross.

That said, I think it’s an outlier and a friend is sending me a different brand to sample tomorrow. Will report once I try it!
Tried the Allmax H:vol and it still tasted pretty bad, so I only drank about 2/3 of it. It claims to have 0 caffeine and 0 stimulants, but only two of the five active ingredients are recognizable. Hydromax, Nitrosigine, and arc-NOS are mysteries. I’ll have to look them up.

I’m not sure how I felt about it. I got super sweaty and hot, it didn’t feel tingly. I have no idea if it worked, but I did do better on my deadlifts and chin ups than I did 4 days ago, and only 5 hours after a hard interval cardio workout.
@lil_worried Before a run, I don't really do anything special, just make sure I don't eat too much beforehand. As for lifting, I take beta-alanine and creatine in recommended dosage. It absolutely makes a difference in my lifts and I have not found any negative side effects.
@lil_worried I use it if I'm feeling unmotivated, I take "powder burn" i drink it then I basically have to go to the gym, it helps me from feeling that muscle fatigue in the middle of a workout or itll kind of give me that second/third wind
@lil_worried I take pre-workout before my morning workouts because I have to go to work after and want to feel energized. Overall though I have a huge tolerance to caffeine because of working at Starbucks, so it’s more of a mental thing than anything else.

It can give you an extra boost but if you haven’t taken anything in the past, I would only recommend it when you really need the energy.

Edit: I’m currently taking Ghost pre workout but I don’t notice much again because of my tolerance. I would recommend trying single serving cans first so you’re not stuck with an entire container of PW. Some can get you jittery or itchy if you’re not used to it.