Pre Workout

@lil_worried I do pre-workout occasionally if I know it’s going to be a really hard workout or I’m really dragging. I don’t use it every day - I’ve read you will build up a tolerance to it if used regularly. Plus the one I use is pretty strong and I am just leery of using something like that every day.

I went to my local Vitamin Shoppe and asked for samples. They gave me some single servings (in little medicine cups) of different brands to try. Some were not really noticeable (I am pretty caffeine tolerant, drink lots of coffee) and one was way too strong (felt like i was coming out of my skin). The stronger ones tend to make my face flush and skin tingle within 20 minutes of taking it. It’s not unpleasant, but it wasn’t something I was prepared for initially. On the strongest one, not only did it make me feel super twitchy, I also injured my back on that workout - I’m pretty sure because I was slinging weights around like I was the Hulk, not being as diligent as I normally am with form, etc. I’ve never done coke but it’s what I imagine working out on coke is like. The weaker ones had no noticeable effect whatsoever.

My recommendation is to try a couple if you can get a hold of some from a friend or local store before you drop a bunch of money on a canister of something - it’s pretty pricey.
@lil_worried I had to move my gym time from 5 to 4:30 am due to a new job. I switched from coffee to preworkout because preworkout is faster to consume. So far, the pre workout is about the same energy wise as the coffee I was drinking. No jitters. However, the beta alanine makes the sides of my face and my ears feel a pin-prick sensation that is not entirely pleasant. I may not continue preworkout after this week.
@lil_worried I “make” my own - one 200mg caffeine pill washed down with 5g creatine (lots of scientific evidence to back it up) and a scoop of beta alanine (because I like the tingly feeling) in a bottle of water.

I don’t understand why PWO is so expensive as the (scientifically-proven) active ingredients are quite cheap on their own. I get them from MyProtein.

I like making my own because I can skip the caffeine if I don’t feel I need it.

AFAIK recent research doesn’t support BCAAs so I don’t take them any more (saves a lot of £).

Also I take creatine on rest days too.
@lil_worried I usually take a little more than half a scoop of pure BCAA before my workouts.
It makes me more focused as my brain often wonders between sets, making my rest longer thus harming my workout.

If I feel fatigued after my workout I take a whey protein shake paired with BCAA.

I find that this improves the quality of my work in the gym and I am less mentally tired afterwards.
@lil_worried Personally I love it, I’ve noticed I’m a lot more focused and way more in-the-zone on it. I can push myself just a bittt harder with it. I’ve sampled my fair share of nasty and gnarly preworkouts from friends, and I’d definitely recommend checking them out yourself and seeing what works for you. The one I’m using currently is a perfect fit, and gives me just the right boost and focus without nasty jitters or feeling like I smoked crack.
@lil_worried Tried and hated the tingly feeling. Plus the cost of it. I’m trying to avoid getting trapped in the cycle of forking out money for supplements.

I now just do a small can of Coke Zero or sugar free Red Bull before a workout if needing a bit of a burst.
@lil_worried I prefer not to be dependent on anything and I like to feel in tune with my body. If I started taking pre-workout, I know I would immediately start questioning my performance and how much progress I was 'really' making. As things are, if I have a crappy day at the gym... that's all it is, a crappy day; I'll have a better one tomorrow.

That said, I always have a strong coffee first thing in the morning, and I go to the gym straight after that, on an otherwise empty stomach, so it's not like I don't use a stimulant!
@lil_worried They make a decent difference to my stamina. But they’re not necessary, just like a nice little boost of energy.

I’d recommend the PEScience brand. Especially the kiwi lime flavour. ☺️

They have one that’s caffeinated, and one that isn’t (if you train in the afternoon/night the caffeine can fuck up your sleep). The ingredients are all pretty standard.
@lil_worried I've tried pre workout maybe 3 times?

The only difference I noticed was, with one, I felt very warm the whole workout and sweated a crap load more than normal. Apart from that I really don't find it helps me lift longer or better
@lil_worried 1/3 or 1/2 scoops.

Idk why no one mentions this especially if it’s your first time taking it. I still take half scoops after years of using it (only full scoop if I’m expecting a harder workout or my tolerance has built up - in which case just take a couple days off). Jittery feeling is something I get specifically with C4, but I don’t mind it. (I would categorize C4 as a stronger preworkout - again, it’s so marketed that beginners probably don’t know this.)

Also I take preworkout shots (dump scoop into mouth and down with water). I like knowing the energy is all there cause I don’t see the point of finishing your pw mix drink when your wo is about done.
@lil_worried I noticed a difference.

I didn't have any preworkout for about a year and my workouts were meh. I just recently started drinking 1/4 or 1/2 a Rockstar before my workout and I love my workouts now and am burning about 200 more calories.

It sounds obvious to say that it gives me more energy and stamina but I was surprised.
@lil_worried Disclaimer: I do Olympic lifting so each workout is a couple hours and a real brain blaster.

I use my pre WO sparingly. Usually I use it if I’m working out early early morning (not my usual time), if I’ve had a particularly long day, or I’m having trouble getting some oomph. I use dynamatize (300mg caffeine). I’ve also used C4 but didn’t feel like it gave me too much of a kick.

Usually I’ll just take a workout shake with 1 scoop vanilla protein, and 25 to 40g of carbs (like koolaid) for energy. If I’m feeling spicy I’ll have a 1/4 scoop of pre WO in there, but generally the sugars are fast digesting and give you all the energy you need.

I’d recommend starting with half of a serving. Less if you generally don’t consume caffeine. You might get itchy or feel your heart race. Another tip; try not to use it for evening workouts or you’ll never sleep 😴
@lil_worried Pre-workout will definitely improve your workouts but be careful with it. It’s very “addictive”. I have a hard time cycling off of it and I now tend to have shit workouts when I don’t take it. Wish I had never started using it tbh
@lil_worried Most days, I prefer working out on an empty stomach. Eating beforehand makes me feel heavy. I’ve tried pre-workout for this reason. Some brands have made me feel really sick later in the day for some reason, like I’d feel like I had a fever. Other brands are okay. I’ve learned to start at a very small dose - like half a scoop - or else I get too jittery. In terms of efficacy, it’s so-so. Sometimes I feel more energized, other times I feel like coffee would suffice.