[PROGRESS] - F/24/5'4" Arm progress - 0, 2, and 4 months of lifting heavy


New member
0,2, and 4 months of lifting heavy (first pic was taken a day after I started!)

Arm day primarily consists of:
  • Chin-ups and pull ups
  • Bench press
  • Standing Overhead Press
  • Arnold Press
  • Bent-over Dumbbell Rows
  • Skull Crushers
  • Preacher Curls
  • Lateral Raises
Between the 2 month photo and 4 month photo I trained and learned how to do chin ups (from hanging! I could barely do them from half way at the beginning), and now more recently pull ups too! So, I think that had a lot to do with the progress seen between those two images - especially of course in my lats.

My arms are still quite thin when not flexing...so no, I don't walk around looking like a hulk all time (sadly).

My nutrition typically consists of approx 1600-1800 calories per day (sometimes more depending on the day...and my appetite) and macros are typically 130-180g carbs, 120g protein, 60g fat.

The number on the scale hasn't changed, but I've seen huge changes in my body and lean muscle mass! My body fat percentage has dropped.

Can't wait to see what the next couple months will bring!

EDIT: I remember flexing so hard in that first photo that I pulled my bicep and it hurt for hours!

EDIT 2: Typo in my title. While 24 was a good year for me, I am actually 27.
@morehumble They've basically always been that shape, even when I was 15-20lbs heavier! They are wider from the side because of my newly grown biceps. What I really like is that my shoulders are rounder...it levels out my wider bottom half :D
@simmsimms I basically alternate arm day and leg day, so on average 2x a week I would say! I want to start incorporating a chest/back day too...but I'd rather be at the gym for 2 hours 3x a week than 1 hour 5x a week...
@djdanik For the most part, yes!

Basic breakdown:
  • Chin-ups and pull ups: I'll do 5-10 reps to warm up before my workout, and then throw some in in between squat sets/etc. at the rack.
  • Bench press: 5x5 (Currently stuck at 75lbs)
  • Standing Overhead Press: 5x5 (Working on achieving 5x5 at 65lbs)
  • Arnold Press: 5x5 (Currently at 25lbs)
  • Bent-over Dumbbell Rows: 5x5 (Currently at 45lbs)
  • Skull Crushers: Routine is slightly more complex; I do 5x5, 5x8 the next time I'm doing arms, and 5x10 after that, then up the weight by 5lbs. My Tris are pretty weak so I want to work them out through the rep range of strength --> hypertrophy. (Currently at 40lbs)
  • Preacher Curls: Same as for Skull Crushers (Currently at 20lbs)
  • Lateral Raises: 5x5 (Stuck at 12.5lbs though I'm thinking I should up the weight to 15 and see how it goes...)
Hope that helps.
@ruth777 How do you integrate your squats etc? I'm curious as to what your full program looks like. You truly look fantastic, congrats on the awe-inspiring progress! :)
@francisco41 Leg day:
  • Backweighted/Barbell Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Leg Press
  • Calf Press
  • Glute prone press
  • Walking weighted lunges
  • Leg extensions
Sometimes I don't do weighted lunges or something else if I'm short on time.

But that's pretty much it! My bum is looking wayyyy perkier than ever. So much more muscle!
@ruth777 So you "just" alternate upper body/leg workouts? Sorry about the 1000 questions, I'm just very interested at how I could optimise my workout :)

Happy to hear you're super happy with your new bum :D