[PROGRESS] - F/24/5'4" Arm progress - 0, 2, and 4 months of lifting heavy

@francisco41 Yep that's right! If I'm feeling ambitious I'll do an ab day but I'm finding that the compound exercises like squats and overheads have really worked my core and I have a six pack now though I never used to haha!

I may eventually do specific chest and/or back days but so far I'm finding that this is working for me
@ruth777 Thank you so much for breaking it down for me, I'm really grateful :)

I'm following Starting Strength, and although I absolutely love the compound exercises, I'd like to give my arms a bit more attention.
@ruth777 I started lifting over a year ago but I barely worked my arms aside from Overhead press. I totally regret it and have started bench press and curls and chin ups. Now I'm gonna incorporate some of your other listed exercises so hopefully my baby biceps get bigger.

Great progress OP! Definitely motivational!
@cortexhair OHP is excellent and what I started with for the first two months or so! Arnold Press is great in that it involves a larger range of motion and more work from your deltoids. It's never too late to incorporate some more exercises :)

Isolated/Preacher curls are excellent - but I think the chin-ups were what really grew my biceps.
@gaylfer Haha! Thank you. I never carried much fat in my upper body (check out my post history for a before pic; lower half is a different story). I'm a photographer which means hauling equipment around and holding a rather heavy camera up on a regular basis...so that probably had something to do with it!
@rav054 Aw shucks thank you! I've posted a few photos like this to my facebook profile and I had a guy friend from high school message me and very earnestly ask me what I was doing because he wanted biceps like mine!

I've been quite consistent with my workouts/lifting but the chin-ups/pull-ups I think are what's made the biggest difference lately!