[PROGRESS] - F/24/5'4" Arm progress - 0, 2, and 4 months of lifting heavy

@ruth777 WOW! This is really really impressive and inspiring! My goal is to do a pull up so hopefully my guns will be looking as great as yours by the time I get there!
@frankda4th I started with chin-ups. At the beginning, I would jump from a box and catch the bars at about half way (elbows bent at a 90 degree angle) - I would do a chin up as best as I could, hold, and then lower very slowly (arms would shake!). I would do this every time I would go to the gym.

As I progressed, I began jumping up from shorter boxes and catching the bars with greater and greater extension in my arms. Eventually I no longer needed to jump. About 2 weeks before I could finally do a chin up from hanging I started incorporating lat pull downs (5x5, 105 lbs - I'm 124 lbs) - I think this really cinched it.

Pull-ups have been much easier and the progress much faster because of the muscle gained from the chin-ups! It took me about 2 months of training to be able to do chin-ups from hanging :)
@ruth777 Ah okay, I will start with chin ups then! I can do one at the moment from a dead hang, so I'll definitely give your method a go - thanks for the tips!
@frankda4th If you are able to do one from hanging then you are much farther along than most people including myself when I started :) so that's awesome! You will make quick progress :)