[PROGRESS] I was told I should x-post this here from /r/progresspics. 7 months of dirty bulking

@zeromega As a heads up, Nordstrom offers free alterations on their denim. I have a ton of crossfitting clients with big beautiful quads who get the waist taken in. Yay custom jeans!
@zeromega As a fat girl with a larger butt than anything else on my body, www.eshakti.com is also a wonderful resource. They have decently priced clothes and will alter any of it for $10...and sometimes they have sales where they'll do the alterations for free!
@zeromega Nice gains! I'm just starting a bulk but I'm trying to do it clean. Was it difficult to go from bulking to cutting? I want to go from 130 to 140 this winter then back to 128 in the Spring. I'm just worried I'll never be able to stop eating.
@sparkloveskittehs Thanks :) It was pretty easy to go from bulking to cutting for me. I think doing 20/4 makes a huge difference. I was sick of going to bed stuffed. Now I just go to bed full instead of pregnant with a food baby.
@sparkloveskittehs 20/4 always. I love it. It's so much easier and more satisfying. I would put BCAA's in a gallon of water during the day and drink it though. BCAA's cause an insulin response which keeps me anabolic. I think that's part of the reason why I was able to have pretty decent gains in a relatively short amount of time.