Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

@davidcrb “Burnout!” has remained my problem. In order to gain most in least time, I enter the process with high enthusiasm and energy but along the way I become so weak that I loose the temptation of getting fit. This time I will take it slow & steady and hopefully win the race.
@geekgrl76 Oh I know the feeling, when I started cycling I did way too much too soon and ended up burning out big time. Eventually I worked out that I just needed to rest a lot more and everything settled into place. Rest is key!
@davidcrb Also less dairy. I can’t imagine shitting is a pleasant experience for you. You’ll probably lose 2 lbs in just backed up shit

Edit: and do side planks for your obliques.
@davidcrb Lol. Even if you’re not lactose intolerant, dairy isn’t exactly high in fiber. Plus plants tend to be super nutrient dense in a way that dairy and meat aren’t.

Also, beans are probably the healthiest, cheapest thing you can eat.
@davidcrb Great progress and laudable effort mate. My advice would be paying attention to your mobility along the way, cause lack of mobility may lead to injuries or muscle imbalances if not, which will end up with an injuiry either. Keep your shoulders, thoracic spine, hips and ankles mobile. You will see great benefits.
@davidcrb The shorter you are the easier it is to build muscle. Once you get to the body fat percentage you’re aiming for, it’s time to get swole.
@davidcrb Amazing progress so far! Not gonna lie, it’s a nice change to see someone who’s a similar height to me (I’m 1.70 m, 68 kg as if this morning) and it gives me an idea about a more ideal weight for myself. I’m also at the top end of BMI (though it’s not the be end determinant of health, and also you have gained muscle mass too which BMI doesn’t account for usually).

I’m looking forward to how you’ll progress over time. Keep it up!