Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

@deathdefeated I’m still trying to get it flatter! Although it could just be loose skin at this point.

I mainly noticed my arms and chest first, the stomach kinda crept up on me which was a pleasant surprise. So I suppose it was the last thing to really drop off, though I also need a whole new wardrobe!
@davidcrb Nice progress! With that said, your routine looks very unbalanced to me. You have far more upper body sets per week than lower body.

For upper body, you have also have about a 3:1 ratio of chest to back exercises. Maybe try to balance things out a bit for longterm joint health. You also don’t have a horizontal pull exercise, like a row.
@serina1995 Good point! I hadn't really thought of the chest to back balance, but that's a very useful thinking point. I'm gonna have to get creative to find some way to do some rows but I've seen some ideas floating around here, I think it's definitely the way to go, thanks!