[Progress Post]F/34/5'6": An overview of 11 months of weightlifting 4-6days a week

@stm113 With the first big arm picture there was a notification of "are you over 18 this picture might be sensitive in nature" and they were right, it's absolutely B A N G I N G. Even Imgur thinks your biceps look big enough to require a warning :D Great job, you look great!!
@stm113 Thank you for sharing your journey! I love how honest you were about the details. I also appreciate how you show that your progress has not been linear, and that your menstrual cycle has a big impact on your body - This is something I also experience, and I have had to learn to allow myself to take it easier on days I just don't have the energy, or my resting HR is already high (and also accept that there are some days it may not be worth weighing in due to the bloating lol.). You look amazing, and your realistic approach is inspiring!
@marlow1 Thanks :)
Since being aware of this, my first reaction to someone saying "why is the scale going up when I'm still in a calorie deficit" is :are you a person with a menstrual cycle and are you ovulating or on your period?" and it is almost always that
@stm113 Yes, my weight is at its highest during ovulation and then I hit my lowest weight on my period. Finally tracking my weight consistently and it was cool to see how it fluctuates based on cycle!
@stm113 I love all this data! Even more exciting is how you've worked so hard and it shows! You look incredible. Great job!!

I'm curious to know how your diet changed any throughout (did you really amp up protein or decrease sugar, etc.). That's insane how much your menstrual cycle affected RHR. I would never have guessed that.
@asus3408 Thanks for the question. I have added a more detailed paragraph on nutrition, which is like 75% of the work! I don't know how I forgot about it XD.
I mostly focused on proteins. I don't eat a lot of sugar normally, but I had to stop baking bread and rely more on salads. It was easier once it got warmer. During winter, all I want is to eat warm food :(.
I have almost completely cut alcohol, mostly because recovery is hell after a night with just a few drinks now XD.

I wouldn't have guessed it as well. It was really eye opening when everything clicked and I understood why I was always tired before my period.
@epthediah Thanks :)

Now that I think about it, I might had an additional section to talk about my struggles with the perception others had/are having in regards to my fitness journey.
@stm113 Very impressive! I have a question. How have you maintained your muscle through cutting? I am similarly muscular but struggle to lose the last ~5kg of fat without reducing my muscle mass.
@cickes I guess it's the same a combination of not too high of a deficit, staying high in proteins and trying to progressively overload as much as possible. I think there is also a phase during the cut where i looked really like shit because I had been cutting for a while and was feeling like my muscles were shrinking down. But actually, once I started eating more and my muscles filled out more, I looked much better. So maybe consider that as well.