Progression and Bell purchase ?


New member
Mid 50’s guy here, decent shape but still trying to improve. Recently a friend recommended KB training and have to say it’s a fantastic change from what I have been doing. I feel energized and just overall better. I have a ways to go with my fitness goals.

He lent me his 12kg and 14kg until I can get my own.

How quickly with regular training can one expect to progress? Especially at an age where adding muscle is a challenge.

I ask so I can plan my purchase. Am I best getting the BOS adjustable (will I need b/c I should plan a rapid improvement ) ? Or just starting with a 12 and 14 of my own with a goal of eventually getting to swing and press etc a 20kg bell?

And a single bell is what my friend says I should stick with unless others want to weigh in differently.

Thanks for having me in this sub. Look forward to learning more.
@blessed1ofhis 54yo here. I wholeheartedly recommend the BoS adjustables, best investment I’ve made. I believe that being able to progress in smaller increments has helped me to progress in a smoother manner and without injury. As far as programs go, I definitely recommend Easy Muscle or DFW.
@blessed1ofhis I went from using only a 16kg to regularly using a 28kg within a year I think.

Them started using doubles after about a year and a half.

If anything I'd recommend to start using doubles earlier but main point is it's reasonable to expect to increase quite quickly, at least for swings and squats. Pressing takes longer to improve.
@mrsstylz I just went right into doubles, at least for C&P and squats. February 16s, March and April, 20s, May 24s. OP I would highly recommend the BOS adjustables, unless you like to collect gear- then just purchase all sizes.
@blessed1ofhis I would go with adjustables if you plan to go up. You're going to need heavier than 14kg very quickly.

I'm a 41 year old female, I've done dumbbell lifting for just over a year and got back into kettlebells in the past couple months and while my 35lb bells are a bit too heavy for me for cleans, I can swing that weight easily. 12 and 14kg for a man is pretty light. It makes sense to try them out and see if you're going to use kettlebells before you invest in your own, but I feel like it's a guarantee you'll need at least 16kg very quickly.
@cozicup For double handed swings for sure! The 14’s are “just right m@ but I see myself pushing past that in the next week or so. For strict press and clean and press I’m not so sure, my shoulders have always been one of my sticking points.
@blessed1ofhis Pressing bells is different than machines, barbells or dumbbells. Be patient and bells with hangs can get your shoulders unstuck.

"Week or so" build volume. Reduce rest periods. Add more volume. Learn, practice, progress cleans.
@blessed1ofhis Hear me out and do the genius thing I did. I started around a month ago with a BOS adjustable, and I added another one to the family last week.

I'm still only doing one bell stuff. The first one is at 24kg, which I use for swings, and then I have one at 14kg that I'm using for clean and jerks (I'm purposely limiting until my left arm becomes stronger). My plan is use these for dual bell stuff once I get stronger.
@blessed1ofhis Nope, I forgot to mention that as a beneift of having two. I have the 12-20kg. 12-32kg is just the 12-20kg with additional plates added in. So, I used the leftover plates from my lighter bell in the heavier bell.
@blessed1ofhis Just a tip on purchasing KBs, I suggest keeping an eye out on fb marketplace. You will find really great deals if you have patience and i didn’t find it cost prohibitive at all. I snagged a 16kg, 20kg and 28kb bunch for $20 each once, which is cheaper than anything I’ve ever been seen since. Can’t really go wrong when it’s that price
@alexc4 There are plenty, but way marked up in my neck of the woods and no competition style bells. I know that’s not 100% necessary. Just a preference from using my friend’s and comparing cast iron to his.
@blessed1ofhis I agree with you on the comp vs cast iron, I have mismatched kbs because I bought stuff second hand and while I can make it work I definitely prefer my double comp bell sets over the comp+cast iron 20kg double I have
@alexc4 Maybe I live in a “fitness town” but I can’t find any good shit and I check everyday. It’s all 25lb junk bells. The only thing of note was 2 rogue 26kg bells for 210, but that’s not even a crazy deal.
@josephhayes I almost treat getting good used gear as a sport now lol, I swear I never had so much satisfaction from a purchase than the two unicorn deals I’ve made for Kbs. These also don’t last, I literally messaged one guy within 30 min of the stuff being posted and picked up within the hour. I happened to be the fastest because it was two comp 22kg bells for $50. Still my favourite bells to this day