Protein/meal spacing frequency on a deficit


New member
Currently on the 8th week of my cut, and at the first weeks I ate 4 meals spaced throughout the day with 40-50gs of protein .

However these last couple weeks, I tried something different, which was skipping breakfast and fasting till lunch, and have only 3 meals a day.

For whatever reason I feel much better with this approach, I totally do not mind not eating for a couple hours, then having 2 lowish cals meals (500-600) , and finishing with a big ass post workout meal .

Is this approach reasonable? Anyone does it?
So my day would look like :
Meal 1- Lunch 500-600 cals, 65g of protein
Meal 2- Pre workout ~500 cals, 45-50g of protein
Meal 3 - Post workout 1000-1200 cals , 90-100 g of protein

So I still hit my goal of 2200 cals , ~200g of protein and all my macros.My question is, is this optimal or can it set me back in anyway? By eating a really high protein meal in one sitting?

Or is it better to space it into 2 meals, for instance, some days I ate my post workout meal with a bit lower protein, then 1.5-2 h later had a snack before bed (20g protein yogurt with some nuts and fruits)
@lostfornow It should be fine. You meet your macro and calorie goals, and it seems to feel better for you eating that way. Some people go for OMAD, on a harder cut I find eating only twice a day works best for me. It’s about finding what fits your goals, schedule, hunger levels etc.
@concernedcatholic This is a great response. Do whatever works best for you. Whatever makes it easier to work towards your goals.

When I cut I only eat after weight room workouts. I lift everyday, usually 7-10 times a week.

Rn I’m on maintenance, so I still eat a pretty solid lunch and snack after cardio in the am even if I don’t lift.

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