@originaloatmeal My gym has single pulleys but only for pushdowns, cables only coming from the top. So for anything else you have to use the double pulleys. Pretty silly.
@ainigma Haha! I have a private gym that is typically dead at a certain time, so I get about 2 hours of the place to myself every day. I just bust out some pretty high intensity training, clean up and call it a day. I tend to shy away from super sets if there are others though.
@sarinajohn When I see someone taking up one of the two double pulleys to do kneeling double biceps pulls I frown a lot, yes. It's a curl, go somewhere else and free the equipment for an exercise that can only be done there like flies.
@aeri20 I superset almost everything, but basically if one movement uses a machine or rack or bench, the other lift will use the same Bench or equipment or I'll use freeweights like dumbells. And I don't take any longer of a rest when I superset so it's usually not a bother. But my gym is never really packed and I generally know what people are roughly doing any given day