Published Article - Creatine intake for females - a lot of benefits, very little downsides (strength, depression, body composition) :)


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From the article

"Creatine supplementation among pre-menopausal females appears to be effective for improving strength and exercise performance. Post-menopausal females may also experience benefits in skeletal muscle size and function when consuming high doses of creatine (0.3 g·kg−1·d−1); and favorable effects on bone when combined with resistance training. Pre-clinical and clinical evidence indicates positive effects from creatine supplementation on mood and cognition, possibly by restoring brain energy levels and homeostasis."

Not to mention, for those of us who feel the hurt during certain parts of our cycle

" Given increased protein turnover and challenges with glycogen saturation, creatine supplementation may be even more effective in the high estrogen/luteal phase".

This study also calls out the lack of exploration of performance based studies for women, which was cool.

Essentially, the study says, (as most studies should say, and 10/10 avoid anything that doesn't sound like this) *current evidence suggests that creatine supplementation may provide a unique benefit to women in the form of: mood, performance, cognition. *

It also explores some results on pregnancy and post menopausal women as well.

Essentially, in the fitness world, there is not much evidence supporting supplementation that most bcaas, protein shakes, and pre workout boast. There isn't isn't really anything special, other than adding some extra protein and some quick carbs that you may need in your diet.

Creatine has the most backing from scientific studies, and this one particular article is very wonderfully targeted at women. :) if you are going to supplement with one thing, current evidence suggests creatine be your pick.

Anyway, from the mod post and update, here is me trying to "be the change" instead of complaining.

Also, I wasn't sure how formatting would work.
@worshiper1994 found this post while searching creatine on reddit. It's frustrating when you search for something on Google and realize everyone who searches it is from a demographic you dont belong to. I recently ran into this regarding a health condition that applies almost exclusively to women. Even searching "xyz men male" gave me no results

i didn't realize just about every fitness related content is for college aged males. What a big part of life to have a moat around.

I hope this doesnt come off patronizing, I just wanted to express admiration. I think its great you are sharing your findings with other women.

Hopefully people like yourself pushing the benefits of things like creatine for women will show more content creators and would-be-creators that there is a demand for female targeted content.
@princesst1 I watched a Natasha Oceane video recently and she said only six percent of exercise studies use female only participants, compared to 35% for male only. Six percent!!
@worshiper1994 Thank you for this post! I've been mmm'ing and aah'ing for ages about getting some creatine - forever just living in my wishlist on myprotein. Bit the bullet and bought some (even better it was buy one get one free) so looking forward to trialling it.
@worshiper1994 Holy crap this is awesome! I had no idea it could play a role in helping with depression and mood stability. My husband made it sound like a big thing that people that wanted to get 100% shredded take. It sounded so viotile and scary when I first looked it up that I “nope’d” right out of that idea and only did protein shakes.
@dawn16 There's plenty of studies about it and many people supplement it without being gym goers for this very reason. I take it since I first stepped into gym and all female trainers pick on me for 2 years telling me creatine is not for women. Without any backing evidence, of course. We all have it synthesized in our body, that alone should tell anyone that is good for.both sexes.
@worshiper1994 Any Diabetics on this thread? I'm "controlled" type 1 and I've always kind of shy'ed away from Creatine because i heard it could harder on my kidneys. Any experience with this?
@worshiper1994 All you creatine supplementers - how long did it take for you to notice? I started a month ago and loaded (but maybe improperly) but now honestly am not seeing any difference in my lifting or running workouts. I feel like most people say they can REALLY tell. Maybe I’m a non-responder? I can definitely see the water weight!
@worshiper1994 Most of the studies cited in this article are referring to research and studies that either haven't actually published/released results yet, or have sample sizes of less than 50 participants. I'm not ready to feel the hype just yet.
@glass1985 I understand the hesitation, and I believe that in science, it's always important to have a healthy skeptism, good science should only be refutable by better science.

But it's very hard. I was watching a YouTube video with a female scientist trying to study athletes, and with menstruation cycles, on top of finding athletic women willing to participate in a study is very very hard. Tracking changes alongside our cycles is just not as easy as just using men. Men are hormonally constant.

So hyping the fact that these studies are being done is always worth it. Small sample sizes aside, it's good research, and if it's disproven, it's disproven, but the initial findings are good, and there are seemingly very few risks.

But I like that you brought it up. People should always check the sources cited. :)
@worshiper1994 I had terrible anxiety after using creatine for whatever reason. Though, looking back, it could have been other factors. I didn't do a careful study on what caused my anxiety.

I think I'm going to try it again and see if my anxiety comes back as I've been in a better mood these days - but curious to know if anyone else has had anxiety as a result of it.
@ajewlinhiscrown i've made this comment in this thread already so forgive the spamming


aim to take 5 g/day, can be taken at any time of day, what to buy? check labdoor for quality rankings, expensive DOES NOT mean quality (marketing $$)

id recommend bulk supplements or myprotein its cheap and actually contain what it claims and gets delivered
@worshiper1994 I love that they addressed post-menopausal women! That's a cohort that has been criminally ignored in the research. These benefits are intriguing for this population.