*REALISTIC* 1 year 🍑 progress!

@cathy1964 My ED is opposite, but I still understand how hard it is to work through.

Huge progress girl, you look so healthy and strong now! Very impressive.
@cathy1964 Damn that's amazing progress, you should be super proud as the change really is massive.

I'm the same (although for different reasons) in that I know if my nutrition was that bit better I'd likely have seen even more progress. But hey ho, that's life.
@cathy1964 GIRL you look amazing!! Congratulations on your progress :)

I know what it’s like to battle mental illness and just want to say I’m so proud of you for pursuing health and recovery the way that you are - its ridiculously tough sometimes but so so worth it and you are strong in more ways than one. Keep at it - you are awesome!
@cathy1964 Hey you are doing so awesome! You have made serious booty gains! I want to thank you also for taking similar before and after pictures (aka, not popping your hip instagram style in the "after" pic.) Keep up the great work :)
@cathy1964 Congrats on your progress!

17 years ago, when I was in high school, the body in your before pic was what people wanted and I had legs like your after pic. I took weightlifting as my phys ed class (one of 3 girls) and played soccer year round. I had more quads and glutes than low rise abercrombie jeans could handle and leggings were NOT fashionable at the time... I wore a lot of baggy sweatpants back in high school. I remember looking at myself in the mirror in my junior prom dress thinking my calves were too big and looked terrible in heels. I really hope that girls growing up today are less self conscious of being strong than I was then.
@ferrick Exactly! I keep thinking about how when I was middle/highschool you weren't 'hot' unless you were skinny as a toothpick. I am so glad that now being strong is 'in'! Although it shouldn't matter, of course, hard to not feel that influence sometimes when you're younger.
@ferrick my strength is the #1 thing i flex the most (ha)

i think it’s so cool how i could theoretically kangaroo kick someone through a wall, ya know?

but i’m also the only girl who lifts, sadly. i pull my own with the football guys though!!!
@cathy1964 Such great progress physically and mentally. I noticed you don’t have hip thrusting in your routine. If you do want the booty to grow hip thrusting is where it’s at. Check out Bret Contreras on IG and the Strong Curves sub. I tried to link it but I’m kinda new to commenting and not sure how.
@notbob i’ve been using reddit for like 3 years now and i don’t know how to link either.

anywayssss other people have said the same thing about hip thrusts, so imma give them a try! i figured if everyone is talking about them so much they must be hot shit!
@cathy1964 Great progress but I noticed your split is lacking hip thrusts, I would really really recommend them for Glute growth! They have made the biggest difference for me personally
@jaxxi ahhh yes! i don’t tend to do these because it’s a hassle to set up and hurts my bones but i think it’s about time i suck it up! i wanna try these