Reduce protein after getting to new lower bodyweight?


New member
Okay so I was previously in a fat loss phase and was 90kg(198 lbs) at the start. So due to being in a deficit and the higher bodyweight, I was consuming 1g/lb which came out to be 200g approx.

Now I'm 70kg(154lbs) and this new thing came out and Dr. Mike even made a video on it that says we need max 0.8 g/lb only? That means my intake would be just under 125g. That's just like 300g chicken, 6-7 eggs and a scoop of whey. Not accounting for the protein I'll get from other foods which are not my primary protein options like peanut butter, milk etc.

Shifting from 200g to 125 g seems like I'm leaving gains on the table. Is it just psychological and FOMO or we can't take this study to the heart coz well it's an average of many participants? Also all the 150-200 lbs fitfluencers are all at 250g+ of protein a day. I know they are sponsered by protein brands and do this for a living but protein is hard to eat and they are still doin it? Thought?