REPORT! I did 100 pull ups a day for 30 days. The result was amazing!!

@rarelozo Bro most likely you have the strength for a single pull up but idk ur just not used to it...coz i started doing negatives and barely 10 in which i used to die off from the 5th rep onwards like come down immediately after hanging....but i did this for like a week or two tops on and thing i went on a vacation and didn't do anything...after i came back I could easily do 1 pull up especially the first time i'd jump and catch the bar (a little momentum that is but not much it's not like i was launching myself...i was starting from a neutral position)....and now after a week since that i can do 2 pull ups consecutive...and i have started greasing the grove i can easily do 10+ pull ups through out the day with sufficient rest... I think the key is to get to 1 pull up quickly so that you can do one pull up multiple times a day and then your progress will compound pretty fast from there...but if you keep on delaying this it can take years....i say this because i was in ur place lying to myself and i hated trying because i just could never pull myself up an inch even if i was hanging on for dear life...i didn't know that what seemed like such a daunting task was so near and achievable...Also I'm a bit on the heavier side for my height 82 kgs, 5ft 8 inch and also don't have a lot of experience with exercise in general be it cardio or weight training
@cynandherprodigal Not professional football dude, I'm only playing with my friends. It's still pretty intense though. But when I enjoy it, it becomes "playing" not "training".

My next goals for Pulling is One arm pull up, Pushing is free handstand push up.