REPORT! I did 100 pull ups a day for 30 days. The result was amazing!!

@triumphant8891 Damn dude from your vid you’re pretty strong already! It also helps being lightweight like you said. My heavy ass can only do two or three pull ups haha I’ll look into GTG! Great job
@dawn16 You should start easy with 3 pull up per set. Do 5 6 set per day (Or more if you have more free time). Remember rest long between sets. I usually do it throughout the day.

The gradually increas the number of set/rep per day. Like 1st day 3/3/3/3/3/3, then 2nd day 4/3/3/3/3/3... 3rd day 4/4/4//4/4/4/4....

Don't worry too much. When you start to do it, you will feel it very easy.

Just do it consistently, the result will come.

Edit: I thought you ask about GTG. But the fighter pull up program has a similar principle.
@triumphant8891 Did you time between sets (like an hour or 10 min) or just randomly throughout the day? I love GtG for maintaining strength if I know I can’t workout that day. I’ll just do a few sets in my house throughout the day.
@triumphant8891 Congratz, amazing progress man!! Try another challenge for fun (also it works, on form especially) -Activating scapula when you are in the starting position before you start doing the pull-up, do normal pull up, but slowly go down :D you will see the difference (but I bet you already know this haha). On another note, i love mixing pushups and pullups, cause with those two combined I can do like 100 pushups/100 Pullups in like 15-20 minutes, making my trainings to go above 500 reps with an ease

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