REPORT! I did 100 pull ups a day for 30 days. The result was amazing!!

@triumphant8891 I just did 4 sets of 3 pull-ups and am feeling it (4 months again I couldn’t do 1)! Can’t wait to be able to bust more out like this. Amazing job!

For anyone else who has struggled to do pull-ups. Practice standing under the bar in whatever grip you find comfortable. Practice making your whole body right by starting with your glutes, tightening Your core, tightening Your lats and then raising your chest and feeling a stretch there too. I practiced just activating the muscles that I would need to do the pull-up so I knew what I was supposed to be feeling if that makes sense. Before I started doing this, I just felt like a limp noodle hanging from the bar, wondering how people had the leverage to do pull-ups. Another tip that helped, was to act like my hands were just hooks (thumb is still wrapped around bar) and to use the top of my hands for leverage. If done right, it all feels like a nice stretch before you pull yourself up. Also don’t forget to breathe*
@triumphant8891 I like that you shared this. I've been doing my own challenge by counting my pullups, chinups etc... Per day and by month. I was going to share my spreadsheet and system once I have it more polished. In January I did less than 300 and this month I am at 1500 aiming to get to 2000. It challenges myself and keeps me accountable. I've only done more than 2000 once and the results were there. Most months I do over a 1000 and if I don't I feel like a lazy piece of crap. Seems like a lot of hassle but I highly recommend counting your pullups and bodyweight lifts per month.
@triumphant8891 Phenomenal!
I've done a bit of GtG myself with various moves but never went quite as hard as you did on this. I definitely need to try with the exact same settings. Currently I'm not sure I can quite do 10 pullups myself, maybe 7 or so. Can do 10 chinups though so I'm not that far behind.

I'm a bit envious of that L-sit chinup form. More like V-sit I'd say. And the look on that lady's face when she walks past. Her head turns like an owl's. :D

Pretty inspirational video. Consider yourself subscribed.
@rabelzthemc Before GTG, I have 2 upper and 2 lower strength sessions a week. During GTG, I simply cut off Pull up from upper body workout. Now I'm back to old schedule.

Nothing special, a routine similar to Recommended Routine.

For push: I do 5 sets of handstand push up progress, 5 sets of pseudo planche push up.

For leg: Pistol squat, Nordic hamstring curl, jumping...