REPORT! I did 100 pull ups a day for 30 days. The result was amazing!!

@even_stranger_things You started off on push ups better than me, I couldn't do a single regular push up. I had to start doing incline push ups and it took me about a year progressing on those until I could do regular push ups. Now I can do 3 sets of 5-7 decent push ups but not in perfect form. It's easy to get discouraged in the short term but over this past year I have learned that it just takes time and I just need to be consistent. Looking forward to hearing about your progress next year! :)
@even_stranger_things There are progressions for it in the RR. Scapular pulls and arch hangs are before negatives in the progression. Hanging there under tension is a place to start. Could try assisted or pull downs using bands as well.
@toni2u I used this method to achieve my first wide grip pull-up. I couldn’t even move my body, and now I can do about 12 reps continually with slow, controlled chest to bar form
@jtcarrieres Yeah. Sorry if this wasn't clear.

I've got stick arms. Almost double-take worthy. Spent a solid few months at the gym trying to strengthen them but still couldn't do one so I think my "plan" wasn't working out very well or my technique was garbo.

I don't have any gym mates so there's no real feedback so it's difficult to tell.
@rarelozo Sounds like your arms are at the right level, so the problem is either weak back muscles, weak grip, technique, or weight. There are several things you could try:
  • Passive hang and scapular pullups (hang, then pull your scapulas down). Often the primary limitation in pullups is grip strength, so just hanging may get you some of the way. Scapular pullups will help build your traps to better initiate the pullup.
  • Chinups are often easier, especially for beginners or people with strong biceps. Just remember to initiate with your scapulas (just like in a scapular pullup). Getting to a few chinups should allow you to begin practicing pullups.
  • Inverted rows is an easier progression and can help you build back strength for pullups. Try to hold the peak contraction for 1-2 seconds.
  • If you still have access to a gym, you could try something like seated/barbell/dumbbell rows or lat pulldowns, with emphasis on holding the peak contraction for 1-2 seconds.
@rarelozo I used to be similar (6’3 and 155lb). I injured my shoulder and couldn’t do any pushing movements (bench etc) but pulling movements didn’t hurt it. So for 6 months I did only rows, pull downs and eventually pull ups. By the end I was able to do about 7/8 pull ups. By a year or so later I was up to 18 and now do 3x11 just in my warm up (so do them every session)

So no magic no secret. Focusing on pulling movements will make you better at pulling movements ... there are plenty of progression articles.
How’s your diet?

I'm not sure. Normal I guess - I don't drink anything with sugar in it but I eat a lot of pasta and chicken dishes. Toasted sandwiches too lol.

form check

Googled to see what this was and saw the sub for it. Looks like a great resource!

It kind of sounds like you’re pulling with your arms.

Yeah pullups with the chin ending up above the bar. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean.
Yeah pullups with the chin ending up above the bar. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

The primary movers in this movement are the back muscles. Your arms and wrists do a lot of work, but they don't put you over the bar, you must pull with you back.
@rarelozo It can be difficult to eat enough protein to support muscle growth. Eating 1/3 or 1/4 of every meal as protein is a good place to start (of course you also need to be on a training program).

You can post form checks here! Check out the Daily Help Thread. (And yeah, what the other person said about pulling from the back)
@rarelozo Dead hang to active hang on bar, body row (Australian pull up), Assisted pull up with bands or with a chair (put your legs on this), pull up negative...

I mean there are many ways to get your first pull up and they all work.

Just be consistent with your training and the result will come.