Second Run of DFW


New member
Hey y’all. Running DFW for the second time. The first run was a single 24 for the C&P and a single 32 for the FS. Just ran the first day again using double 24’s and I’m feeling pretty good.

If anyone is reluctant to start DFW because of the recommended load, maybe try what I did. Doing 5 weeks of C&P(alternating hands) and FS only really allowed me to fine tune my techniques, my stance, and how I was bracing.

I thought I’d be missing snatches and running complexes but the brutally simplistic program of DFW has me hooked. Thinking about running the wolf next as the first time I tried that I failed out halfway through the first set. I knew the load wasn’t right and I didn’t have a good enough base, but I see it as totally obtainable as long as I see this next run of DFW through.

No real point to this point aside from a little progress report. Thanks to one of my absolute favorite subreddits; y’all are killers and machines and I want to be just like you when I grow up.

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