Seeking gossip (no but like real CrossFit gossip)

@stthomaschristian I was coaching and quit amicably because I needed to work on myself and the gym quit doing Crossfit. I went to another gym my friend opened, because my focus is Crossfit and that's what they do. I only went as an athlete and have 0 interest in coaching. Owners and management proceeded to unfollow/block me on all social media. They do great personal training and post injury rehab, how am I supposed to refer someone there?

It's not juicy, but it's fucking tacky.
@mallyhj That’s weird, something similar happened to me. I left my box on good terms, planning to return eventually. However, life happened and I had to let the owner know I wasn’t planning to return because I was too busy and the gym was too far.

A few months later I realized she blocked me on social media. We were pretty good friends and would get together outside of CrossFit sometimes so I’m not sure why she did that, it was pretty weird. Only thing I can think of is I told her I might try a gym closer to me, not sure if that offended her or what 🤷‍♀️

I was actually kind of hurt by it
@stthomaschristian My wife owns a gym, I coach myself and we both still struggle to not take it personally when someone switches to another gym. Even though both of us understand 100% that we shouldn’t. But blocking someone for it is just dumb.
@stthomaschristian That's exactly how I feel. I don't care, but I am hurt by it because I thought we were friends in the two years that I coached and the 3 I was just an athlete there.

I'm at a better place now, but it still hurt a bit, which is why I don't feel that it's in my best interest to refer people there.
@mallyhj If you believe in the product, refer them anyways. It’s the social media mess. Twitter won’t be around in a year, facebook and Instagram will be too many ads, and if you care about your client and they do good work - you’ll get someone some help. If you’re not coaching, the virtuous cycle isn’t about you. Just a hard learned lesson from me to you. I also am 100% blocked by my old partner. His stuff works, but just not for me.
@stthomaschristian Best gossip right here: owner goes out of town for the weekend and leaves his Facebook open at home. Wife happens to see a chat taking place between said owner and his bro, asking about someone he’s banging on the side. Wife immediately enters chat with “You piece of shit I knew it I knew you were screwing around” etc. Gym now closed.
@stthomaschristian I don’t even do CrossFit anymore, but I still like following the sport and many of my friends are into it. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, there is a fucking crazy amount of infidelity at CrossFit gyms.