Seeking gossip (no but like real CrossFit gossip)

@stthomaschristian Our box moved to a new building, the floors aren’t even, coaching has taken a dive, the clique has gotten away with more bug when the members complained, they got blamed for it because the clique is golden. Members are leaving left and right but the owner can’t figure out why.
@nadimfeg I don't get this clique thing at gyms. I see a few cliques at my gym, but I don't see any pettiness or one-up-edness type things. Everyone has been so supportive from top athletes to the newest or weaker athletes. Maybe I just don't realize it or maybe I'm just lucky
@jbross I think you’re very lucky.

The clique that we have think they’re shit doesn’t stink. One female got through to the quarters. However, there was a country wide comp, some of that clique competed and came 4th from last on the RX. Humble pie was had.
@stthomaschristian Usual clique shit, thinking they’re the best and excluding other members. The issue is half the coaches are in the clique so nothing will happen. Owner is present and when people are leaving, he’s asking what’s wrong but not really listening.

Good news is we’re getting new decals on the walls. Who cares about an uneven floor.
@stthomaschristian A member confronted me (a coach) about fucking his wife (also a member) I, a very boring and happily married fella, told him he was a lunatic. At a recent coaches meeting, 2 of the younger coaches copped to fucking this guy’s wife. They’re all still members.
@stthomaschristian One gym that I coached at was owned by a middle aged married couple with kids, who were both in a relationship with one of our head coaches and they all lived together. They thought no one knew about it but everyone did, including the members and it made group social events very awkward. The gym didn’t survive covid and neither did the 3 way relationship, but the married couple is still together, so good for them I guess.
@stthomaschristian At my gym there's this newer guy that's been coming around. He's super arrogant, never seen him lift a weight (tho sometimes he tries, but it's more ego lifting than anything) and he always interrupts your sets. Real pain to have in the gym while youre trying to work out.

Anyways, my wife says I can't tell the guy to leave. I think she likes him or something. She says it's good for him to be there even if he's not lifting.

Sometimes having a home gym and a toddler is an exercise in patience.
@dawn16 Hope he isn’t a coach. “Class for this next part everyone take their shoes and socks off, I need you to really feel the floor.”
@stthomaschristian There’s always someone cheating at any gym. We had a coach get “told to quit” because whenever a cute girl would start at the gym he would try to slide into their DMs. All this while he had a girlfriend.

Oh yeah, he was also my roommate and no one warmed me. He later pulled this elaborate story to get me to move out because he and his GF were going to “break the lease and move into a new place”… they were just kicking me out and kept lying even after I said “you could have just told me you wanted me to leave”. They lived there for at least another year.

Then 2 years after that he tried to slide into my GF at the time, now wife’s DMs
Same guy was also involved in a hell of a fiasco. Let’s call the people John, Allen, Jesse (female) and Alex (female)
So John and Allen are both coaches at the gym. John was my roommate. Allen is dating Alex, Alex goes to a different box. Jesse is a member at the gym.

Wellll turns out Jesse is messing around with both Allen and John. Then Allen gets Alex pregnant. Allen leaves the gym, out of possible embarrassment so does Jesse.
@cherylsmatbers You could have chosen any names in the entire world to tell a story about 2 guys and 2 girls, and you choose 4 boy names. I'm more confused after reading this than I was when you just alluded to drama.