@stthomaschristian I am always a little surprised by all the clique and gossip posts on here.
I have been going to my gym for eight years, five days a week.
I know the people in my 6AM class, a few of the people in the 5AM and some people in other classes whom I know from outside of Crossfit (e.g. kids are friends, knew them prior)
On Saturdays I go at 7:30, which is the early class and it's mostly people from the 5am and 6am classes (we are early risers)
We talk at the gym, when we see each other, but that is about it. There are a couple of guys around my age from the gym I get together with for a beer every few months, but we are all older (55+) and at a similar stage in life.
I would not be surprised to learn that there were cliques and all sorts of drama with some of the younger members who go in the afternoon/evening, but I really don't know most of them.
Are your gyms on different schedules that everyone knows everyone else? Are there a lot of gym-wide social events? Are most of the members younger - under 30 or even under 40?
I do not doubt it is a real thing--there are certainly enough posts about it, but curious how it plays out.