Seeking gossip (no but like real CrossFit gossip)

Inspired by someone else’s post which turned out to be asking about coffee

What’s happening at your box? Any drama? Who’s dating who?

Ik some people may consider these posts tacky but I remember the good old days when this subreddit was all about the drama and not only about like how your pull ups look

Edit: Y’all are really SERVING THE TEA HERE
@stthomaschristian Current gym: Husband and wife go to the gym together, along with their 3 kids. Wife appears to get close to another guy there. Divorce. Wife starts dating new guy really quickly afterwards. Marries new guy like 6 months later. Gets pregnant right after the wedding. New baby is born. Alllllll this while her, the new husband, and the first husband are all going to the same gym.