Seeking gossip (no but like real CrossFit gossip)

@unforgiven1 Cast: Gym owner, Gym owners husband, affair partner "C". Gym owner is female. Husband and C are both male

Gym owner was screwing C. Husband found out and beat the tar out of C and put him in the hospital (which was probably a scandal on that end too because C was a doctor at the only hospital in our town!) C stopped coming to the gym and ended up moving away several months later. Gym owner and her husband reconciled and are both still coaches.

Not sure how many people know at the gym, I'm the awkward kinda fit/kinda fat, friendly with everyone but can't seem to make close friends, gym type. Maybe everyone knows? But since I'm not super connected to anyone outside class, the "scandal" kinda rocked my perceptions and I don't want to be gossipy or spread the story if not everyone knows
@neal6 I'm the awkward kinda fit/kinda fat, friendly with everyone but can't seem to make close friends, gym type.

I feel you!
@stthomaschristian I have a huge crush on one of my coaches. He's single, straight, and about my age. I'd ask him out but I'm too awkward and don't know what to say to him.

Also, this isn't exactly gossip but it's kinda cool: a girl from our gym met Mal Obrien at a road race in Connecticut yesterday.
I've noticed people say not to go for it, but all the coaches at the gym except this one are dating/married to members. There have been no issues, in fact I'd argue it's been a good thing.
@mushroom Have dated and broken up with a coach at a prior box. I’ve never seen it be an issue unless you break up for ugly reasons like cheating.

If you like someone, pursue em, just do so with some patience and maturity.
@mushroom Some coaches (guys especially) will fuck any customers that have a heartbeat, I even overheard two who had a small competition going on at my old gym.

Then there’s some who are so into CrossFit that they know that a relationship with someone outside the gym would probably not work, so they look for a serious relationship with a customer.

Just make sure which kind of a coach you are asking out.
@cherylsmatbers There's a rumor that my coach is dating a girl at our gym after his wife and him broke up and divorced. They talk and stuff but I've NEVER saw any PDA or anything. I think hes trying to keep it super private and professional but that's the rumor. I pay super close attention to see if he gives her looks or extra attention but he's good at hiding it if they are doin it.
@dawn16 I also noticed something as well. On the occasions that I see coaches date members, it’s usually the most fit athletes (like Rx+ to Elite.) I have never seen them go out with a regular Rx or scaled athlete.

Just an observation I find a bit amusing. Never really considered “fitness level” back when I was single: I only cared about a partner to at least be into fitness and working out, regardless what their level was.
@dawn16 Huh, I feel like there’s no reason not to ask a coach out. If it doesn’t work out and ur not comfortable still being coached by that person switch gyms? Sounds like a maturity issue not being able to move on and having your relationships affect business
@asapsos Having been at the helm of an affiliate for 10+ years I can tell you that you’re unequivocally incorrect. The last thing you want to cultivate in your gym space is a dating pool. The coaches and owners set that standard.