Selling a Concept 2 model D to a friend, what's a fair price?


New member
Yeah, I need a crowd sourced answer here. Have a 2 year old, black model D. Great condition, maintained, not much use. I've seen them go from 300 to 700. What's a fair price you would offer a friend?
Thanks for the comments. Decided $500 was a good price for a friend. Less than that would be silly, more would have started being competitive with other online sales.
@travnja I've bought and sold rowers quite a bit. If it has a PM3, it will sell online within a week at $600, but you could sell it for $700 if you're patient. If it has a PM5 and low meters, the range is $700-800. If you're selling it at a friend discount, I would sell at the bottom of those ranges because any lower and you're shorting yourself on opportunity cost.

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