Serious injury forces immediate retirement from BWF – farewell everyone after 2+ good years!


New member
After being a part of this awesome community for the past 2+ years, making some good friends along the way, and even meeting up and training with some great people from different parts of the world, regretfully, the journey will end for me right now.

EDIT: Thanks for all of the kind words everyone! For anyone who really wants to see my injury you can see it HERE. Warning, it is shocking!​

While attempting a 10+ second Iron Cross on rings, I refused to stop and ended up doing severe damage to both shoulders, which will require surgery on each. The video of this fail is horrific, so I’ll spare you from seeing that. Instead, I’d rather remember the good ol’ times with a simple Iron Cross, a Dragon Flag, having fun in Santa Monica at Muscle Beach, and even Maltese training.

Wishing everyone a great 2020, and may all of you achieve your fitness goals! Be safe! Cheers!

Signing off,

BosBatMan a/k/a The Dragon Flag Slayer

EDIT 2: Moving on now :). I'm perfectly healthy and in that picture above I'm hanging out in my new Batman Cave gym which I set up a couple of days ago. I was hanging inverted with a 28lbs/13kg weighted vest for about a minute. The new gym is a work in progress, and I have a lot of equipment still on order. So far: Rings and a climbing rope with a 10ft/3m ceiling - perfect for 360 Pulls, Hang Pull to Inverted, etc. The pull-up bar is rated for 500lbs so my weighted pull-ups to +130lbs will be fine, weighted Adv Tuck FL rows +65lbs, etc. I have my pull-up grips on the ledge and I have a fat bar setup to go from the standard 1.25" to 2.125 and then 3.5" dia. for pull-ups! If you look closely on the ceiling you see two pulleys mounted on either side of the ring straps which will go with the loading pins against the wall for a counter-weight system to help me work on more advanced elements like the Iron Cross, Maltese, Planche and even the infamous Victorian. I can't wait!!
@bibbigo Sorry to hear that man! Take good care of yourself and I wish you all the very best for a quick and easy recovery. Looking forward to see you slaying those dragon flags again soon.