Seriously who said “vegans can’t be strong?”


New member
This is such an annoying phrase

I’m vegan not a victim

Why can’t we say stuff like “Plant Powered or Vegan Strength or Vegan Power”

Why is it always “vegan can be strong too!l”

I hate this victimization
@itsmeandylee There are plenty of examples of people who are strong without eating meat. Unfortunately, all of the world's strongest men and world record holders in powerlifting are not vegan. This will someday change, but it's not an easy thing. You have to be genetically gifted for those sports and vegan two statistically rare things.
@itsmeandylee “Who said vegans can’t be strong?” lots of people.

“Why can’t we say stuff like Plant Powered?” you are more than welcome to.

Acknowledging vegans can build muscle due to the stereotype that vegans are often unhealthy, sickly, weak, fragile, and for men feminized, etc doesn’t mean we are victimizing ourselves.

Word it how you want. Ultimately we are all saying the same thing, that we don’t need to consume animals to build muscles or be strong.
@itsmeandylee Nobody (except online trolls) say they can’t, just that they aren’t. This is stereotypically true but as someone required to be fit for my living and that’s also worked as a personal trainer I don’t think most people in general are strong/fit.