Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

@groo101 Hah no way can I claim being a BW badass. Too many other dudes that can claim that title like Daniel Vadnal from FitnessFAQs. Just trying to get stronger as I journey into my late thirties. Helps to have had many years of strength training to draw upon.
@groo101 I can finally do unsupported pistols on my right leg! Left leg is still rehabbing from injury 6 months ago but I can do pistols on that leg if I hold my right foot out as leverage.
@groo101 I had an eversion sprain whilst trail running - my foot turned inwards as if I were pointing my toes but just kept going. Some tendon/ligament damage in the malleolus region.

I've just been discharged as an outpatient so they consider me pretty much fully healed! I do a lot of mobility of that area and everything around it.

One doctor was sceptical about my continued physical activity but others soon saw that I was healing much faster than expected as a result. Mostly working on gaining equal strength back now!
@groo101 Met a couple of old friends that I hadn't seen for half a year, and they were surprised by how "buff" (in comparison to the last time they saw me) I had become. Funnily enough, I only started BWF in the beginning of December.

Felt good to show off some of my moves. Could even do some shit my actually buff friend couldn't do, like an L-sit and pistol squats.
@romans82 Haha those noob gains are real! Moreover, it's always an awesome feeling to display feats of strength to peers who are also fitness conscious. We all have different goals, some more aesthetic than the other, but the cool moves are definitely what keep me hooked. Thanks for sharing!

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