Sheet for Tracking Kettlebell Training


New member
Long story short, I'm pretty new to kettlebell training, but just started tracking my sessions over the past week. I created a rough sheet that newbs and anyone alike can copy and re-edit as your own to track your progress over time.

Sheet here -

Random Notes
  • Sessions are centered around Deep 6, Armor Building Complex and Moving Target. You can copy the sheet and add your own complexes or whatever you do though. I train 3 times a week and I typically end each session with a 10-15 minute EMOM of swings and a one-minute and and off farmer's carry for 6 minutes. No need to track swings for me since I know I only use the 32KG here or the singles weight I started with.
    • This is the best way to train for me regardless of kettlebells or not since I'm able to get a full-body session in 3-4 days a week with a day of rest in between each session.
    • Quickly calculated the number of variations, but there are 20 possible training variations with singles, doubles, and the 3 complexes. Enough to keep body stimulations different but still programatic. Was going to throw in a randomizer formula to keep things really interesting, but I'll do that at a different time. So the randomizer will randomize what type of complex and whether it's a singles or doubles training day to mix up unilateral and bilateral training.
  • I have rep variations changing throughout the week. ABC is perfect for seeing how much heavier I can go, and the other days are for mixing it up between a 1-5, 8-12, or 15+ rep range depending on what my goals are--strength, hypertrophy or endurance training--and with doubles or singles. I also have rest times set based on my goals for the day. This is based on some stuff I've seen on Mind Pump here
  • 1st tab is to log my days. 2nd tab is to see my progress over time. You can manipulate things however you want.
  • My active rest days are the lightest TGU's I have (12KG). I stretch, do 2 on each side, stretch again and call it a day.
  • It's fun seeing the change in the mirror and the sheet little by little. More important to me is seeing the incremental changes in strength. My heart resting rate and walking heart rate are also the lowest they've ever been. The sheet's nothing special, but I hope it'll help someone that's new to just copy the sheet and edit it to get things going.
  • Keep in mind I'm using an adjustable kettlebell, so it makes it a lot easier to just load an extra 1KG or 2KG. I know Pavel doesn't like it, but my body likes it. Each 1KG or 2KG I load up on, the more I find it easier to do higher reps of lower weight kettlebells
  • Other variations in training
    • I add 2 swings to beginning of ABC. If it's a single, I also add a reverse lunge at the end.
    • I add deadlifts and rows to the beginning of the Deep 6, and chest presses at the end of the get down on the Deep 6. (So more like a Deep 9.)
  • Happy training

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