Slow but successful recomp progress! F/40/5'0" [51.5>51kg] 7 months


New member
I started lifting in January, doing GZCLP. As part-time stay at home mom to two kids I can only consistently make it to the gym twice a week, so my strength gains are pretty moderate and my lifts haven't gone up by much. But I'm really, really happy with how much I've changed (physically and mentally). Until I took my most recent progress photos I really didn't think I looked much different since March.

I also recently started doing strength- focused yoga or bodyweight training on 2 of my non- lifting days, and I cycle commute daily (20+ minutes).

My next steps are to hire a personal trainer to assist with my form and to get my lifts up. Because I'm older and new to lifting, I need help pushing myself to my potential. Now I feel really motivated to kick things up!

Food: I don't track calories anymore, but after a plateau I spent 6 weeks doing the TDEE spreadsheet. I discovered my maintenance calories are pretty high at ~1500-1600. It feels like plenty of food and I am comfortable being able to gauge and eat that much intuitively. My waist and hips measurements have gone down without the scale moving since I stopped tracking, so I think I'm doing okay in that regard.

Any advice for moving forward, like continuing to recomp, or is there something else I should focus on next?

@pamray62 You definitely look different! Thanks for sharing your results! I'm recomping now because, well, it's summer, and looking at your photos encourages me that the mid-section can also get smaller:) PS I'm thinking about switching to GZCLP too from Starting Strength.
@pamray62 Thanks so much for sharing. I’m five feet tall too and struggle like hell trying to figure out how much to eat with strength training. You gave this stranger a boost tonight. You’re kicking ass my friend.
@mika145 I resisted it forever bc it's such a pain, but spending 6 weeks doing the TDEE spreadsheet clarified a lot for me. I don't count calories any more, but now I know what an average maintenance day looks and feels like.

Happy I was able to give you a boost and best of luck!
@pamray62 You look amazing!!! I'm also a stay at home mom to 2 and look exactly like your before photo. I'm going to go check out recomping right now. I clearly need it in my life. 😍😍😍 Good job!
@pamray62 Woooooww. This is amazing!! And so inspiring! I’m about to start lifting for the first time in a while again, and I just am not in a place mentally where i can cut, but this gives me hope!!
@pamray62 We have the exact same build (F/27/5’1”/118lb/53kg? 🇱🇷)!! This is exciting for me — I’m trying to incorporate more lifting and less calorie counting in my life. I can only pray that I look like you at 40!
@pamray62 Thanks for sharing! Such a difference between those photos!

We are very close to be stat twins. Currently also 5’0”, cycle 30 mins almost daily, lift 2-3x/week, yoga 1x/week. Trying to decide what my next steps should be too so I’m gonna be lurking!

Your deadlift is so impressive! I could only do 70lbs (30kg~) right now, but I haven’t tried any higher.
@youngmarriedlove For sure it was definitely a lot harder before I started weightlifting. I can eat a lot more now than when I was just trying to lose, and I don't really think about the scale these days. I still have to be mindful about how much I eat, but I don't go hungry any more.
@pamray62 First off, great progress :) thank you for sharing.
May I ask how you did your TDEE spreadsheet?
I am on keto and IF and I do a mix of weights and elliptical and/or swimming 5x a week. I'm 5'1-5'2, I've been stuck at 120 for a few weeks. I eat around 1100 on a rest day and 1300-1400 on a workout day. I can't determine if I need to eat more or less to lose a little bit more body fat by Sept (summer anniversary vacation)

Thank you for any insight
Keep it up :)
@electrics Hi, I'm not an expert by any means, but it sounds like you are really active and your TDEE should be higher. On the whole I am pretty sedentary, so I was surprised that my maintenance is around 1600. Is there something you eat regularly that should count for more calories than you've calculated? Have you been taking measurements? It could be that you have lost inches instead of weight.

I counted calories using MFP and a food scale for about 2 months, but like you, I really wasn't sure how much I was actually supposed to be eating. My goals were/are to lose inches but have enough fuel to exercise. I used this version of the TDEE spreadsheet very religiously for 6 weeks, including daily weighings. I highly recommend it to help clear up confusion. I plan to do it again periodically to stay on track.

Best of luck with your goals!