So frustrated


New member
5’2”, cw 66kgs gw 56kgs. I’m so frustrated right now with trying to find a solid plan to follow. For years I’ve been trying to stay around 1200 calories a day as I’d gone up to 60kgs but i just couldn’t shake the excess. Since lockdown started I went up another 6kgs and I’m just about at my wits end and for the first time ever I feel a need to follow a solid plan.

So I started to look at different subs which is how I found this lovely place! But at the same time I found r/loseit, r/intermitentfasting r/1200isplenty, r/strongcurves etc and they all have completely conflicting information! I don’t know how I can cut my calories any lower, I’m constantly exhausted and struggle to find any energy to workout, but I’m terrified to up my calories in case I put on even more weight.

I don’t really know what I’m looking for here. I guess I’m wondering how you guys settled on the plans that work for you, how much time did you give a plan before deciding if it was working or not? And how have you managed to not lose your mind with the conflicting information out there?
@oloyedelove I decided to give myself enough time to change. I gave myself one year to lose 8 kg. I didn’t set a goal of finishing everything in 3 months. I started exercising in January without changing my eating habits, just added protein powder - didn’t increase or decrease my food intake. Then 4 months in, I realized I had lost 1 kg, so I changed my plan and decided I’d calorie count and exercise. The first week I just counted calories without changing my food intake and then I started to decrease it. I started out eating 1200 calories and kept it up for a week. Then I realized it wasn’t working for me, so I upped it to 1350. And I didn’t exercise as much, but I’d go for one hour walks a day instead. Then I started losing 1.5 kg a month. I used to be about 65, now I’m at 59. It’s been 7 months since I started and I’ve lost about 6 kg with a lot of trial and error. My best advice is to give yourself time to explore what works for you and if something isn’t working, change it.
@oloyedelove Ok I was in your situation last year only I’m 5’2 and weight 90kgs. I did everything: cut my calories down to 800, did 45 min HIIT cardio everyday and weight training. I was so weak and hungry all the time and then I stepped on the scale and it was 94kgs!! I swear I lost my shit.

So I got blood work done and found out I had hormone imbalances that were preventing my weight loss, one of which being insulin. So my doc got me on meds and I read up that fasting and cutting out sugars is a good way to regulate insulin so that’s what I did and I’m now down 18kgs. So your problem may be medical
@oloyedelove I started with 1200/day and c25k so running but not much. I’ve just realized in the last two or three weeks, now that I’m running 3-4 miles at a time rather than 1.5 miles, that I was stalling and always tired on 1200. So I bumped it to 1260-1300 and finally brought my plateau and have more energy. I actually think I might go up to 1350-1400 now. It really is trial and error and you have to do that yourself because we’re all so different.