So motivated by the NYC Marathon runners!


New member
Brand new to this running thing.

I’ve always wished I could be a runner, but I thought “ I suck at running.” Then I realized, I’m sure most people don’t start out good at running. I always tried to go full force, couldn’t breathe, and then would quit.

I’ve tried the Couch to 5k app a few times a few years ago, but never stuck with it more than 2 days.

So I started the 5k Runner app. I’m on Week 2, day 1, which is really just day 3 because it skipped week 1 day 2 because I said day 2 wasn’t too hard, so I advanced a day. today was only my third run.

It was tough, I did a 1.5 min run / 2 min walk 4x and then a 1 min run / 1 min walk 2x. Total distance was 1.74 miles, average pace today was 10’24”. That’s better than yesterday!

I’m a bit sore, but not as much as I thought I’d be. I’m sure it will be killer once I start trying to run more than 1-2 minutes at a time, but I’m feeling great honestly. The biggest key for me was listening to people that said to SLOW DOWN and that the run should get easier as you continue, not harder.

Im actually excited to get up and do week 2 day 2 tomorrow, I only committed to 3 days a week and so far I’ve done 5 days in a row!

Any tips or advice? Should I just keep on keeping on? I would really like to be able to run a 5k without stopping by Christmas.

If you told me I’d have that goal a month ago I’d laugh in your face.