Sometimes…it just comes down to grit🤷🏾‍♀️

@ecumeni …I don’t see it as a sweeping judgment. I see it as her using what’s she learned and having a different approach than other influencers. Her message got a follow out of me and got me off the couch. The statement you made is 100% facts and absolutely true, however, it can be also true that some other people befit from a “just get your butt up” approach.
@aandw I knew it would be a controversial take, but I didn’t think so many people would find it insensitive. There isn’t a one size fit all for what motivates people or gets people reflecting about themselves. When I had a personal coach, I even told her I wanted her to be a “drill Sargent”🥲 it’s always been the most helpful for me, so I’m glad you find it helpful lol!!
@jodi1028 I don't find the take controversial at all. I think this is what real life is about. Being overweight is hard. Staying fit for life is hard so just choose which one you wanna do. I'd rather do this hard one. The one where I don't drink, I lift heavy and I eat healthy most of the time. The one where I show up for my body because this life I have is a blessing and I'm gonna do my fucking part by keeping it healthy. No excuses, no whinging, no pity parties. I can do it. It is my life and I'm the queen of this castle.
@colfax10 I’m literally going through the many people I follow trying to find her😂 I have a screenshot of her post, but it doesn’t include her username! I’ll link her as soon as I find her. I made this post on impulse🥲
@jodi1028 I love this post, I feel like I have been hearing an over abundance of "I'm giving myself grace" lately and I'm starting to notice that it's really just an excuse for not taking care of business and trying to feel less guilty about it. At some point we need to stop giving ourselves grace and get shit done. Unrelated to health and fitness, this term is bring used a lot in the workplace by people who are just not quite cutting it and hoping that it will excuse the fact that they're not getting their jobs done. So frustrating 😝
@nolanj Nooo, the lady I found (and currently looking for) is not Irish. I would totally remember that🤣 but, I am interested in your Irish influencer!! What’s her name?
@jodi1028 I agree so hard with this!!! All of these influencers talking about giving yourself grace, intuitive eating, etc. have ALREADY attained a certain level of “fitness” or “aesthetic” in their bodies. They already put in the work to get there and are largely in a place of maintaining where they are at. They don’t say that, though. I think these more relaxed philosophies moreso apply once the “hardest” of the work is already done. I do not find it inspiring to have these concepts shoved down my throat on IG when I know I have work to do- hard work that requires some level of consistent discipline in at least the medium term. These misleading posts and ideologies just promote the UNTRUE idea that these influencers have not had to put in work and grit to get where they are now… it’s disheartening. Like just be real. Some woman somewhere is likely following these concepts thinking she is doing the right thing when she should be putting in work and discipline to achieve weight loss, body recomp, etc. and is not seeing the results she has been “sold” by the influencers telling her to “go easy on herself.” Then looking in the mirror a few months later and not looking like the influencers she is looking up to and feeling like a failure when in fact she was being sold a lie in the first place.
@simonwallace You literally just explained EXACTLY my thoughts in a much better way!! I wish I could pin this comment😭 it’s so true, they are ALREADY there. And, they may be inconsistent in the traditional workout sense, but I guarantee most of them are getting much more movement in their day to day lives than most people. As you already mentioned, they already have so many of the habits necessary to eat decently that them being in a slump is very differently for someone who hasn’t made significant progress on their goals!
@jodi1028 Right! 2 influencers in particular I used to follow come to mind for me… just go have a peek at these profiles @emmalouisie and @emmafituk both women are fit and toned and both constantly post pics of pastries, chocolate, junk food etc. and claim they achieved “their best body” by not dieting and eating whatever they want. So so sooooo misleading. I don’t believe that either of them eat the things they say they do. Especially @emmafituk who imo looks like she’s starving herself. Both started driving me NUTS so I had to unfollow. Also- both claim to no longer hyper focus on their diets/bodies however both CONSTANTLY post photos of their bodies and body check, post their most flattering pics, etc. literally infuriating and confusing for those who “look up” to them. They also both seem to have achieved and maintained an aesthetic that is not possible to maintain without at least a moderate level of discipline most of the time.
“I’ve been out of a routine for the last few weeks, but that’s OKAY, I’m living life & that’s more important.”

that hit the spot. i know people love to remind others to be kind and allow or forgive themselves those inevitable slip-ups, but i could never apply that to myself. this kind of talk feels discouraging and demotivating somehow.

not saying we should be perfect in each aspect at all times, but if something goes wrong, just make up for it, no need for excuses and patting on the shoulder. this behavior just leads person to be stuck in cycles of screwing up and "forgiving themselves" if anything
@inthepottershands Sometimes I just need someone to be a hardass with me🤣 this morning I had to go workout earlier than usual because I’m busy for the day, I REALLY didn’t want to go. My best friend/accountability buddy texted me and asked if I had made it out the door yet, I said “no” and she said “that’s okay, you just don’t really want it right now.”😅 got my ass up!!!
@jodi1028 This is why I'm glad I have experience in endurance sports from childhood. Field hockey preseason, the warmup run alone was 2 miles. 2 sessions a day in 95 degree weather and humidity, a total of about 6 hours per day. During the regular season, half of practice at least was spent not just running, but alternating between sprinting and running (friggin Graham crackers and the outdated-named "Indian run" and full field suicides... Ugh! And hill running too). I'm sure soccer is just as intense. Now that I'm over 30, I can't just go out and push myself to a certain point anymore and only have to deal with being sore the next day. Now I will feel like I was hit by a bus if I push it too hard. But, that past experience with pushing your body to the limit and conquering your mental state to overcome it all has really helped me be able to push myself and workout on days when I don't feel like working out. I had to learn how to allow myself to ease into it, though.

And I do also do a bit of being nice to myself and taking the pressure down a notch too. Like, this past week I haven't really worked out at all. I fell off the wagon. I had a stressful situation with my partner and didn't eat much for a couple of days, and on my small frame, that lack of eating makes me lose weight and muscle gains so fast. It used to be that I would not get back on the wagon after falling off like this. It was all or nothing. Now, I forgive myself for slacking and start again. I am about to work out right now. I won't be able to pick up from where I left off, because I've lost some of those gains in both muscle strength and cardio endurance, but I am jumping back in nonetheless
@jodi1028 Regretting eating a single piece of food is not a hard I would choose. Perspective matters to me. And I have more important things to do with my precious energy.

Good for you for choosing your goal, figuring out a plan, and sticking to it. If it works for you then you get the satisfaction of getting what you want. That’s all. People are going through stuff you’ve never even dreamt of and you want to look down on them for not having your “grit”? Just mind your own business, focus on you, and don’t judge other women for not being as skinny as you.

Choose your hard? Choose your priorities more like.
@toemaytoe I think a lot of these influencers don’t actually have difficult “hards” to choose from. so choosing fitness as their “hard” choice is easy. and it’s easy to say shit like “you just gotta choose your hard”. But when your “hards” in life include serious medical problems, financial struggles, taking care of elderly parents, raising kids….then it’s not as easy as “choosing your hards”. and fitness becomes really difficult to prioritize and you HAVE to give yourself grace for falling off your workout routine and being grateful that you’re living life.