Suggestions for All-in-one app/subscription?


New member

I am looking for an app/website to help create daily workouts/training regiments for me that fit my specific needs. I am a super fan of HWPO Sweat, which allows me to get training done without too much equipment. However I am really longing for some good warmup/post workout stretches. For now I have been using ROMWOD/GoWod. However I feel its a bit excessive to pay for several apps every month. So I am looking for suggestions.

Requirements: Cannot be pure Crossfit. I work out from a ship, meaning my gym is very limited. I am 6'6 and the loft height here is 7 foot. Meaning all overhead work is not possible, i.e. No Thrusters, Snatches, Push Jerk, Jerks, Overhead squats, Muscle-ups etc... Yes it sucks.
  • Anyone know an alternative to HWPO Sweat/60, that will fit my limited equipment needs? Hopefully something that includes warmup & stretching.
@wangari Been doing Street Parking for a week now, so a newbie. Can confirm lots of options on daily workouts and a bunch of accessory programs to choose from. Linchpin was the other one on my list. Both look like great options.

FWIW I’m 6’5” and also don’t have room overhead for things like BB snatches and things like that.

Yesterday instead of the WoD I did a 100# sandbag workout that they had as a separate program and today I did my own strength work and then their arms (shoulders and arms) accessory stuff. So yeah. A Lot of options!
@wangari Linchpin is where it’s at for something like this. 10 bucks a month and you get warm ups, cool downs, stretches, Rx workouts, scaled workouts, limited equipment workouts, no equipment workouts, partner workouts, and videos every day.

It’s insane value for the money.
@wangari CrossFit DC shares their class WOD publicly. It always has a warm-up, and often a mobility and accessory included. The WODs are indexed here where you can use the filter to exclude equipment and movements from the search results. Free, but not personalized.

Love their stuff. Great warmup stuff and always good cool down stretching routine. Free access to mobility library as well. Really excellent
@davidi Full gym, limited equipment (DBs, jump rope, pull-up bar, and rings), and no equipment options are all included everyday.

He likes to say “we program what works and is functional.” Yesterdays workout was 6x400M runs for example. Today is 7x2 back squat for the full gym version, limited equipment is a heavy leg combo.

Also includes a membership to beyond the whiteboard for additional accessory programming amongst other great items. All for $10 / month.
@virious I’ve been doing the recommended body weight routine from that subreddit and I have seen good progression. Just my 2 cents in case OP doesn’t want to spend money