Super anxious before first session

@kycatt007 It’s going to be hard, but that’s why you’re signing up! No one is going to judge you, the beautiful thing about CrossFit is that it’s very scalable, and as long as you’re working hard then you’re in the same exact boat as everyone else. It’s about how much you’re exerting yourself, not about how much weight you’re pushing.
@kycatt007 I have now been doing this for 1 year. I was so out of shape overall. The best advice I can give is to listen to your body and don’t try to push too hard. To me CrossFit is all about being able scale as needed so you can gain that strength and confidence that comes from being consistent. I fell in love with this community and I hope you do too. There so many people you can reach out to for motivation too.
@kycatt007 You know what, after while youll miss being anxious and a little excited. I do, so I’ll drop in at boxes just to get that feeling back for a day.
@kycatt007 I still remember my intro session from a decadeago at 22 and 5’1”/164lbs. The workout was to do a few squats, sit-ups, etc, run 400m, and then do 3 burpees. I was the slowest one by far and could barely do the burpees and almost threw up. Fast forward 5 years, and more consistent dedication, I got to the point where I could do 7-10 strict pull ups, do most metcons RX, and lifting weights I didn’t think I ever could.

CrossFit is forgiving in that way - you can easily scale down movements to where your at and build from there. And if your gym/box has the right environment for education and growth, you’ll be comfortable in no time.

And yes, the toning will come, but I found that the empowerment I felt overshadowed that.
@kycatt007 I (31yo M) had my first ever Crossfit session two weeks ago and I can sympathize with your anxiety as I also experienced it before attending.

Thankfully, my affiliate is a close group of athletes and I was welcomed in with open arms. The coaches are also great and they scaled movements as well as step aside and show me the correct way to perform different movements etc.

The hardest part was walking in but now it's like my second home, 13 sessions in.

You got this!